Wednesday, April 3, 2013
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

2013-2014 AugSTEM Applications Available

The AugSTEM program is designed to support Augsburg juniors and seniors who wish to pursue a career in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Funded by the National Science Foundation, AugSTEM Scholars can receive up to $7,000 per year in financial support. Scholars also become a part of a vital STEM community at Augsburg with opportunities for research, faculty mentoring, and career development.

The AugSTEM scholar award is designated for students who are within five semesters of graduating. Applicants must be full-time students in a STEM major (biology, biopsychology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics and physics) with a 3.0 GPA within their major. This award is available for U.S. citizens, nationals, or permanent residents who demonstrate financial need via FAFSA. Students who began their college careers at community colleges are encouraged to apply for this scholarship.

AugSTEM information packets and application materials can be found at Applications for the 2013-2014 academic year are due May 9th.

For more information, please contact Rebekah Dupont at

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TFAPS -- Hybrid Learning Implementation

All faculty are invited to participate in two workshops offered by CTL and IT to support weekend and graduate faculty who are creating "hybrid" courses for 2013-14. If you are satisfied with the basic design of your courses, you only need to participate in the Moodle Labs to learn best practices for online learning and how to meet GAAC/AAC requirements for hybrid learning.

If you would like to improve the underlying design of your courses, you will also benefit from the integrated course design workshop.

Prerequisite: Please watch the screencasts in the Overview section of the Course Design Support Site ( before coming to these sessions.

Moodle Lab for Hybrid Learning.
The Moodle Labs are hands-on workshops that introduce and support development of your Moodle sites. Upcoming workshops are held on:

9-10:30 a.m., Wednesday, April 10, Foss 22A
3:10-4:40 p.m., Tuesday, April 16, Foss 22A
10-12 noon, Saturday, April 20, Foss 22A
9-10:30 a.m., Wednesday April 24, Foss 22A
0-10:30 a.m., Tuesday, April 30, Foss 22A

Additional spring and summer dates will be added later.

Integrated Course Design for Hybrid Learning.
The Integrated Course Design for Hybrid Learning is a hands-on workshop that explores Fink's model for course design, which integrates situational factors, learning goals, learning activities, and assessment. It addresses how to choose face-to-face and online activities to create an engaged learning community, provide direct instruction, and facilitate active, collaborative learning. Future workshops will be held on:

3:40-6:40 p.m., Monday, April 8, Marshall
9-12 a.m., Saturday, April 13, Marshall
3:40-6:40 p.m., Thursday, April 25, Marshall
9-12 a.m., Tuesday, May 7, Marshall


Additional support includes:

Moodle Template for developing your course in accordance with GAAC/AAC requirements.
Course Design Support Site to provide additional detail and examples for Moodle applications.
Technology Tapas to showcase a variety of technologies that can improve your work.
Sloan-C Online Workshop passes to participate in further study of online learning.

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Speaking of Scholarship Series

Tuesdays or Wednesdays, 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Hosts: Henry Yoon and Ankita Deka

These sessions provide an opportunity for scholars to share their work and engage in conversations about what they are doing.

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Community Inclusiveness: Latino/a Voices

Thursdays, 3:30-5:00 p.m.
Hosts: Emiliano Chagil and Matt Maruggi

To serve our neighbors and be inclusive of all members of our community, we need to learn more about each other. This year, CTL in conjunction with the Sabo Center and Hispanic/Latino Student Services is offering a series of opportunities to learn more. The final session is:

April 11, 3:30-5:00 p.m., Science 123 – Maureen Ramirez; Policy and Research Director, Growth and Justice Office; "Latino Political Involvement"

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Creating an Inclusive Campus - Call for Proposals

Creating an Inclusive Campus Conference
Reimagining Augsburg: Learning, Retention, and Success
Conference Dates: May 22-23
Proposals Due: April 19

This two-day annual conference will be held May 22-23 and is designed to feature key developments in fulfilling our commitment to intentional diversity and global learning at Augsburg College. It includes an opening session entitled "Reimagining Augsburg: Learning, Retention, and Success." It will combine an inspirational presentation with a working session to envision how we can co-create an inclusive community committed to learning, retention, and success of all members.

As our mission states, "The Augsburg experience is supported by an engaged community, committed to intentional diversity in its life and work." What does it mean to be committed to intentional diversity? It means that we recruit a diverse student body and create an inclusive, supportive learning environment that enables them to succeed. It means that we prepare all students to work collaboratively in a diverse, global environment. Finally, it means that we hire diverse faculty and staff, and create an inclusive, supportive work environment that enables them to be meaningfully involved in the work of Augsburg College. This conference allows us to celebrate what we are doing right and engage in dialogue about how we can continue to improve.

We invite you to design sessions that will engage faculty and staff in conversations about learning, retention, and success at Augsburg; or presentations that will deepen understanding of what is being done to create a more inclusive community. These sessions may focus on facilitating the success of all students, embedding diversity and global learning in the curriculum, or developing our community.

Please submit a proposal for a 90-minute session. Provide a title for your session, list of presenters, and a 150-200 word description of the session you would like to facilitate. Submit your proposal to by April 19.

The conference is co-sponsored by CTL, the Office of International Programs, Human Resources, Student Affairs, and General Education

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The Jessica Nathanson Scholarly Writing Retreat

The fourth annual Scholarly Writing Retreat will be held at Dunrovin Retreat Center near Marine on St. Croix from 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 14 to 12:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 16. Initiated by Jessica Nathanson, the retreat gives scholars time and space to work on scholarship, undistracted by meetings, classes, or even children and family responsibilities. Some come to plan an approach to a new project to be completed over the summer; others use it as an opportunity to finish articles they have been working on during the year. Registrants are accepted on a first come-first serve basis.

Those interested in participating should RSVP to

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General Announcements

Special Request for Notes of Support

These past few weeks the Augsburg Education Department was asked by our local Minnesota House Representative, Jim Davnie, if we would like to be added to a CUE legislative funding proposal (with St. Thomas, Hamline and Concordia). This funding would be used to recruit and support preparation of teachers of color. In particular, Augsburg was approached because of its significant relationships with the Somalian/East African community. The proposal is primarily for scholarships for Education students (undergrad and grad, Minneapolis and Rochester), but also builds in teacher candidate employment working with P-12 students and includes many of the supportive academic services at the college.

Last week, Education Department Chair, Jeanine Gregoire, testified to the Senate K-12 Committee (Chaired by Sen. Wiger) and the House Education Finance Committee (Chaired by Rep. Marquart). The legislation (House File 973/Senate File 808: COLLABORATIVE URBAN EDUCATOR RECRUITMENT AND TRAINING PROGRAMS )was well received and passed out of both committees with recommendations for budget consideration. Budget negotiations continue on through May. To increase the likelihood of increased funding from the last biennium and make it possible for Augsburg to be included in CUE funding, the governor and legislature will want to hear from the larger Augsburg community.

To support House File 973/Senate File 808, please e-mail your representative and senator (see list below), focusing on how including Augsburg College with additional funding extends the reach of existing CUE funded programs in a number of ways:

1. It has a clear focus on increasing the number of East African teacher candidates in becoming elementary, secondary, special education and ESL teachers. The number of teachers of color has not kept pace with the increasing population K-12 students of color. This is especially true with the increased number of East African K-12 students in the metropolitan area.

2. It focuses on recruiting, preparing and supporting first generation East African students at many different levels (undergrad or grad) with strong content preparation, ongoing K-12 service learning and leadership development.

3. Augsburg teacher licensure programs in both Minneapolis and Rochester will enable East African students from the Cedar Riverside neighborhood and south central Minnesota, primarily the communities of Rochester, Owatonna and Faribault, to complete their licensure program and teach within their home community.

Augsburg Education programs have an excellent reputation of preparing and supporting teachers of color. CUE funding would increase the numbers of well prepared East African teachers in the Twin Cities and Rochester areas to meet the K-12 educational needs of these diverse communities.

Your support for this legislation is greatly appreciated. House and Senate member e-mail addresses are listed below for your convenience.

Members, House Education Finance Committee

Members, Senate E-12 Finance Division:

Senators who use email forms:

Senator Alice Johnson
Senator Susan Kent
Senator Tom Saxhaug
Senator LeRoy Stumpf
Senator Patricia Torres-Ray

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Multicultural Career Fair

Date: Wednesday, April 10
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Location: Minneapolis Convention Center
Cost: Free
Open to the public - no affiliation with the University of St. Thomas required

Receive individual coaching from leading résumé, career management and human resource experts at the free Career Services Center on April 9 & 10.

Who should attend:

* Professionals
* Individuals who hold or are pursuing a college degree
* College students
* Veterans

Career Fair details:

* 50+ major Upper-Midwest employers
* Open to the public and no charge to attend!
* Register online to have your résumé viewed by participating companies in advance!
* Dress is business attire

To learn more and to register go to:

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Dining Services

The special of the day at Nabo is Spaghetti with a bread stick and a fountain soda. This can be used for the meal replacement.

Join us in the Commons on Thursday for International Day where we will be serving foods from Sweden.

During lunch in the Commons we will be having a Greek Yogurt tasting from 11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Stop by and try some.

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Summer Scholarship Grant Awardees 2013

Please join the Dean, Center for Teaching and Learning, and the Faculty Development Committee in extending our congratulations to the following recipients of the 2013 Summer Scholarship Grants:

Jacqueline DeVries, History - $4,000 Dean's Summer Scholarship Grant for her critical biography of Mary Scharlieb, Britain's first female gynecological surgeon
Colin Irvine, English - $4,000 Dean's Summer Scholarship Grant for his book: Hot Dogs, Haircuts, Bunads, and Barnas: Nearly a Year of Learning to Live in Norway
Sarah Combellick-Bidney, Political Science - $2,000 Grangaard Summer Scholarship Grant for her investigation of "Only Through the Body: Human Rights, Intersectionality, and Reproductive Justice Across Borders"
Evren Guler, Psychology - $2,000 Grangaard Summer Scholarship Grant for her research on "Understanding the Development of Episodic Memory through Longitudinal and Brain Imaging Studies"
Mary Lowe, Religion - $2,000 Grangaard Summer Scholarship Grant for her book: Beyond Solidarity: What Gay, Lesbian, and Queer Theologies Can Contribute to the Church

The Faculty Development Committee – Melissa Hensley, Joe Underhill, Sonja Thompson, and Mzenga Wanyama – reviewed nine excellent proposals before deciding on these grantees. It was a tough decision and committee members felt very proud of all the work that their colleagues are doing.

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MAE Degree Completion Meeting

Have you earned your teaching license and put off completing your MAE degree? MAE Graduate students are invited to join us this Saturday, April 6, 2013, to learn more about degree completion options. To be eligible to enter the degree completion phase you must have completed course work; however, any MAE student is welcome to attend. Join us from 12:10 p.m. to 12:50 p.m. in OGC 100.

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Campus Kitchen/Health Commons Hiring

Health Commons and Campus Kitchen at Augsburg College will be hiring for a full-time Americorps VISTA position opening in June. This person will help run and expand the work done by both organizations. To apply and see full job description visit

Organizational background:

Campus Kitchen and Health Commons work to improve the health of our neighbors: Campus Kitchen primarily through increasing access to healthy meals and food and Health Commons by providing a free, drop-in nursing center.

The Campus Kitchen has four components that all work to provide service
learning opportunities and leadership development through increased access to and knowledge about healthy food:

1.) Food to Share: 2,000 meals served each month by volunteers and service learners off campus at youth programs, homeless shelters, seniors' homes, and community centers. We provide to Augsburg students in need through the campus food shelf.

2.) Food to Grow: Our community garden providing over 80 spaces for organizations and people from the neighborhood and campus to grow their own food and for the meal program

3.) Food to Buy: Our two farmers markets on campus and at the Brian Coyle Community Center allowing local producers to provide for the nutritional needs of the community.

4.) Food to Know: Educational programming for college students, neighborhood youth, and others to make the connection between food, health, and the environment by developing cooking and gardening skills.

At the Health Commons our mission is to provide simple supplies needed for
health, to make connections to new ideas, to link individuals and resources in the community, and to make connections to each other. Our nursing practice at the Health Commons is founded on hospitality and relationship development that leads to transcultural understanding and health benefits for all participants. The VISTA would support and expand the work of two distinct community programs sponsored by Augsburg College that work to provide access to free healthcare and healthy food in in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood of Minneapolis.

The two programs have been recent partners, and the VISTA would work to further integrate the programs to maximize our work to improve the health of residents in the neighborhood.

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Aerotek Professional Services Tabling Today

The Strommen Center for Meaningful Work would like to invite faculty, staff and students to stop by their table in the lobby of the Christensen Center today, Wednesday, April 3rd from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Representatives will be on campus to network with students who have an interest in learning more about careers working internally for Aerotek Professional Services.

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Practice Spanish this Thursday

Take a break and practice your Spanish! Join us for laughs and interesting conversation as we practice speaking in a relaxed and friendly setting. All language levels are welcome.

We meet every Thursday from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. in the Riverside Room, 2nd floor of the Christensen Center. Signs will be posted. Drop in at any time and stay for as long as you like. We promise there will be no grammar lessons! You are welcome to bring your lunch.

Drop in three times and earn a free T-shirt!

If you have any questions, contact Emiliano Chagil, ext. 1309; Anita Fisher, ext. 1082 or Kate Reinhardt, ext. 1081. We hope to see you there!

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Deadline Approaching for Fitness Incentive

This notice is intended for those who are enrolled in Augsburg's health plan for the 2013 plan.

If you have not already reported your workouts, please note the deadline is Monday, April 8, 2013.

As announced during open enrollment, all employees who enrolled in Augsburg's health plan were eligible to participate in the 2013 Fitness Incentive Plan.

To participate, enrollees must:

· Work out a minimum of 4 times per week from January 1 - March 31

· Work out a minimum of 4 times per week from April 1 - June 30

Enrollees in the High Deductible Health Plan ($2,500 deductible) have the potential to be rewarded with the following:

· $250.00 deposited into your Health Savings Account (HSA) in April for working out at least 4 times per week from January - March

· $250.00 deposited into your HSA in July for working out at least 4 times per week from April - June

Enrollees in the $1,000 deductible plan and enrollees in the High Deductible Health Plan ($2,500 deductible) that do not have an HSA account have the potential to be rewarded with the following:

· Entry into a drawing to happen in April for a chance to win one of 9 prizes for working out at least 4 times per week from January - March

· Entry into a drawing in July for a chance to win one of 9 prizes for working out at least 4 times per week from April - June

You MUST successfully complete phase one (working out 4 times per week from January - March) to be eligible for rewards for completing phase two (working out 4 times per week on average from April - June).

Track your work out usage on the Excel spreadsheet at

You must submit your completed tracking spreadsheet for the first phase of the program (workouts from January - March) via email to Tammy McBroom ( no later than MONDAY, APRIL 8, 2013.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Keep up the great work!

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Deadline for Marina Award this Friday

Please nominate one Augsburg senior for the Marina Christensen-Justice Award.
The award honors a graduating senior who represents in a high degree Augsburg's motto: "Education for Service." The recipient must have demonstrated a dedication to the kind of community involvement that characterized the personal and professional life of Marina Christensen-Justice, who courageously and effectively reached out to bring equity and harmony to disadvantaged people and communities.

Name of Student:

Why are you nominating this person? (500 words or fewer)
Please include examples of all off-campus, community related experiences this person has been a part of during their time at Augsburg. For example: service-learning experiences, internships, Bonner Leader Program participation, Campus Kitchen, and volunteer experiences.

Please send this information to Mary Laurel True at by Friday, April 5th at 5 p.m.

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Cap and Gown Info

Graduating in May?

If you reserved your cap and gown - it will be ready to purchase on April 9. If you did not reserve, you may come in at any time to purchase your cap and gown. Please not a late charge will be added to the final cost of your cap and gown.

Graduating in June?

Cap and Gowns must be reserved online by April 9.

You will not need to pay until you pick up at the store. Cap & Gowns will be ready to purchase on May 11 at the WEC/Masters Grad Fair 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. If you are unable to make it to the Grad Fair, you are able to pick up any time the store is open till graduation. If your gown is not reserved by April 9, a $15.00 late charge will be added to the final cost of your cap and gown.

Prices for Cap & Gowns
Bachelor's Cap, Gown & Tassel - $52.95
Master's Cap, Gown, Tassel, & Hood -$91.00
Bachelor's gown only- $33.95
Master's gown only - $36.00
Cap $10.00
Tassel $11.00
Hood $36.00

Please be sure to stop by the bookstore for your Grad Fair – in addition to purchasing your cap & gown, pick up your five free announcements, look at custom announcements, and diploma frames!

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Augsburg Students Win Prestigious Awards

Five Augsburg students were named in national fellowship and scholarship competitions this spring. Students from around the country applied for these programs, and Augsburg is proud to be represented by such dedicated students.

Brianna Noland, Mathematical Economics major, was one of 60 students nationally who was accepted to Posters on the Hill in Washington, D.C. Chosen from over 800 applicants, Brianna will have the opportunity to present her research on college loans and first-year retention at the Capitol, and to talk with current legislators. Dr. Stella Hofrenning served as Brianna's research mentor on the project titled "An Economic Analysis of Financial Factors on Undergraduate Persistence" and will be accompanying Brianna to D.C. and to meetings with MN legislators. Special thanks to Jen Nagorski in Marketing and Communications and Tina Tavera of the McNair Scholars Program for layout and design advice on the poster.

Samantha Cantrall, Communication Studies major, received Honorable Mention for Posters on the Hill in Washington, DC., ranking within the top 80 applicants (out of 800 plus). Dr. Robert Stacke of the Music Department served as Samantha's research mentor on the project titled "The Influence of Rap in the Arab Spring."

Joe Buchman, Chemistry and Biology major, received a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship that will provide $40,500 each year for the first three years of his doctoral study in Chemistry. The selection of these fellows is very competitive and is based on the viability of the student's proposed research. Dr. Jennifer Bankers-Fulbright, Dr. Vivian Feng and Dr. Joan Kunz all wrote letters on Joe's behalf and helped him shape his research proposal. Joe has been admitted to doctoral programs in chemistry at University of Colorado-Boulder, Iowa State University, University of Illinois-Champaign-Urbana and the University of MN-Twin Cities. He has decided to attend the University of MN.

Allison Zank, Chemistry major, received the prestigious Barry Goldwater Scholarship, a $7,500 award given to students from around the country who excel in STEM and intend to pursue a career in science, math, or engineering. Allison's enthusiasm for research and its practical application was clear in her application, which was read and reviewed by Augsburg's Goldwater committee, Dr. David Crowe, Dr. David Murr, Dr. Jody Sorensen, and Dr. David Hanson, as well as by Allison's recommenders, Dr. Jennifer Bankers-Fulbright, Dr. Michael Wentzel, and Sandra Myers (U of M School of Dentistry). Allison is Augsburg's first female Goldwater Scholar and one of only eight in the state to receive the award.

Ashley Waters was named Honorable Mention in this year's Goldwater Scholarship Competition, one of only seven from the state. Ashley's plans are to become a Chemistry professor to inspire the next generation of chemists. Dr. Michael Wentzel, Dr. Sandra Olmsted, and Dr. Ronald Fedie served as her letter writers with input from Richard Flint. Dr. Wentzel worked closely with Ashley on the writing of her research proposal and Augsburg's Goldwater committee also read and provided feedback to help her develop a successful application.

Please join us in congratulating these outstanding students!

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Nominations Needed for Staff Senate

Are you interested in, or do you know an Augsburg staff member that would like to be nominated for Staff Senate? We are looking to fill two positions. These two positions are two-year terms.

The Augsburg College Staff Senate (ACSS) serves Augsburg College and its staff by providing a forum to foster and promote a positive and meaningful dialogue among staff, faculty, students and administration by advising in decision making processes, by serving as an advocate for Augsburg College staff, by promoting professional development opportunities and by recognition of Augsburg College staff's contributions to furthering and upholding the mission and values of Augsburg College.

Staff Senate is composed of six members who are nominated and elected by their peers, and two at-large members chosen by Staff Senate.

Nominees for Staff Senate may be submitted to Melissa Motl: . Self-nominations are encouraged!

Nominations for Staff Senate will close on Monday, April 8, 2013 at 4 p.m.

More information about Staff Senate elections will follow soon!

Please visit for additional information about Staff Senate.

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Augsburg Receives $10 Million for CSBR

In case you missed it: On Monday, Augsburg announced that the College received a $10 million unrestricted gift--the largest in the College's history--from a 1965 alumnus. The gift will support the Center for Science, Business, and Religion, which the College's Board of Regents has identified as Augsburg's top capital priority.

To read more about this tremendous donation, see the story on Inside Augsburg: .

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Health Commons Receives Award

The Health Commons, at both locations, received the President's Civic Engagement Steward Award from Campus Compact on Monday. This award is for a member of the faculty, administration, or staff or for a group that has significantly advanced their campus' distinctive civic mission by forming strong partnerships, supporting others' civic engagement, and working to institutionalize a culture and practice of engagement. The Health Commons is honored to receive such an award.

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Community Inclusiveness: Latino/a Voices

Community Inclusiveness: Latino/a Voices
This year, CTL in conjunction with the Sabo Center and Hispanic/Latino Student Services is offering a series of opportunities to learn more about the culture and its accomplishments.

Thursday, April 11 at 3:30 – 5:00pm in Science 123
Topic: Latino Political Involvement
Speaker: Maureen Ramirez

Ms. Maureen Ramirez is currently the Research and Policy Director at Growth & Justice, a Minnesota-focused think tank that advocates for policies that promote equity and economic growth. Ms. Ramirez was the executive director of the CapitolRiver Council, the downtown neighborhood planning council for the city of St. Paul, and spent the 2008 and 2010 election cycles working at the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits and the Minnesota Civic Engagement Table, coordinating work for nonprofits and community groups, and teaching and training about voter registration and voter turnout in low-income communities and in communities of color. She served as a member of the University of Minnesota Board of Regents from 2007-2013, including 2 years as chair of the Student Affairs committee. She also spent 6 years working at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities as an admissions counselor and as an advisor with the TRiO programs, with special attention to Latino community outreach (spent considerable time working with undocumented students to fight for their access to higher education. She attended Marquette University where she received a bachelor's degree in writing-intensive English and Spanish and holds a master's degree in advocacy and political leadership from the University of Minnesota Duluth.

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Cabaret Tickets On Sale - Going Fast

By Joe Masteroff
Music by John Kander
Lyrics by Fred Ebb
Directed by Darcey Engen
Music Direction by Sonja Thompson

Available Performances:
April 11 at 7 p.m. Preview $2 students and $4 Non-Students Reduced Prices

April 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, at 7 p.m.
April 14, 21 at 3 p.m.

Cabaret tickets are $12 general public; $10 ACTC, faculty and staff; $5 Non-Augsburg Students, $4 Augsburg students and children under age 12.

Cabaret contains adult content and language and may not be suitable for younger audiences.

Tickets are going fast!
Reserve your tickets here:

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Event Announcements

Book Drive for Children's Books

Do you remember your favorite books as a child? Did you know that most children have to be read to for 1,000 hrs. before they are ready to read on their own? With that in mind, we are collecting new and gently used books for young children from early childhood to mid-elementary school age. These books will help to establish a lending library at CLUES, Comunidades Latinas en Servicio. CLUES' mission is to enhance the quality of life of the Latino community in Minnesota. For more information about CLUES, please visit

Books can be in English or Spanish; they will be translated as necessary. You can find drop boxes in several locations: in the Auggie's Nest (basement of Christensen Center), on first or 2nd fl. of Old Main and in all of the residence halls. Collection goes through Friday, April 5.

This book drive is sponsored by Spanish Conversation Group, ALAS and LINK. For questions or comments, please contact Kate Reinhardt at

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Retirement Reception for Norma Noonan

Please join us to celebrate Dr. Norma Noonan's distinguished career at Augsburg College!

WHAT: Retirement Party for Norma Noonan
WHEN: Friday, April 12, 4:00 – 6:00 P.M.
WHERE: Christensen Center, Marshall Room

RSVP: Lois Nielsen-Johns

A short formal program will begin at approximately 4:45 P.M.

Sponsored by the Augsburg College Department of Political Science

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Discover the Leader in You: April 11 Workshop

Discover your information processing preferences through I Opt.

I Opt is a leadership assessment tool used in professional development that will help you understand how you gather, process and act on the information that is all around you. This shapes your leadership style. To effectively lead others, it is helpful to understand the strengths and vulnerabilities of your own approach.

Date: Thursday, April 11, 2013
Time: 5:30 p.m. social time with refreshments; 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. presentation
Location: Kennedy Center, Room 303
Presenter: Tom Morgan

Prior to the workshop, participants will complete a short (less than ten minutes) online survey. The results of this survey will be used to generate a personalized report that each participant will receive at the workshop. These Advanced Leadership Reports identify information processing preferences, providing insights into issues that people bring with them everywhere they go. Tom Morgan, a certified I Opt interpreter, will explain the I Opt theory and help you get the most out of your individual report. Morgan is the executive director of the Augsburg Center for Faith and Learning and professor of business and leadership studies at Augsburg College.

To participate in the workshop, please RSVP by email to Patty Park at by Monday, April 8. You will receive an e-mail reply with directions for taking the I Opt survey. You must be present at the workshop to receive the survey results. Space is limited, so register soon.

There is no charge for taking the survey, receiving the Advanced Leadership Report, or attending the workshop. However, we always appreciate your support of the MA in Leadership program and would like to collect referrals of friends, co-workers or acquaintances who might be interested in studying leadership. In lieu of a referral, a $5 voluntary donation at the door to go toward the Master of Arts in Leadership Endowment Fund would be greatly appreciated.

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Day at the Capitol Event

On Thursday, April 11, students will have the chance to visit the Capitol to show support for the Private College State Grant that provides financial aid for students. Due to recent budget deficits, the State Grant is in danger of being discontinued, so come out to show your support! Transportation, lunch, and a T-shirt is provided free of charge, followed by a dessert reception with former U.S. Representative Martin Sabo after the event. Get more information and register here:

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Keeping Track of Auggies

Dr. Bibiana Koh Presents at Adoption Conference

Dr. Bibiana Koh, Assistant Professor of Social Work, will present at the New Worlds in Adoption, Rudd Research Program Conference at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst on April 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Dr. Koh's paper is titled "Associations among personality, family interactions, and adolescent externalizing in adoptive and nonadoptive families." (Co-author: M.A. Reuter). Congratulations!

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Student Ingrid Pond Selected for World Learning

Augsburg student Ingrid Pond was selected to travel to Turkey with Empowering Young Leaders program April 24–May 4, 2013.

The Empowering Young Leaders program supports a two-way exchange between politically and civically active undergraduate students from Turkey and the U.S. that builds participants' capacity to be agents of social change in their communities. Ingrid will be one of four American undergraduate students to travel to Turkey for a reciprocal exchange with Turkish students to dialogue on how to promote positive social change.

In Turkey, the group will spend a few days in Ankara for meetings with politicians from major political parties, then they'll visit the universities where the Turkish students study, and end up in Istanbul to look at civil society and youth movements.

The trip is entirely funded by the U.S. Department of State and managed by World Learning, a collaborating partner of Augsburg's Center for Democracy and Citizenship who nominated Ingrid for this opportunity.

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Auggie Athletics

No postings


Sign Up for Summer Vegetable Shares

Time to sign up for summer vegetable shares. Ploughshare Farm delivers locally grown, certified organic produce every Thursday throughout the summer to Augsburg College share members. There are TWO different summer share options:

>> A Full Summer Share consists of 10-15 kinds of fresh organically grown vegetables, fruits, and herbs delivered to you for 17-18 weeks. The share will vary in size, growing from around 7-12 lbs. in the spring to well over 25 lbs. in the late summer and early fall. One share will generously feed two people with a vegetarian diet or a family of four with mixed diets. Cost: $675 or just over $37 per delivery, a HUGE value compared to buying organic produce in the store.

>> The Mini Summer Share is designed to feed an individual or couple. They are also perfect for a family wanting to tryout a CSA and dabble with healthier, organic living. The mini box will typically contain 6-8 kinds of produce and herbs and is 50-60% of what the Full Summer Share box weighs. If you've never belonged to a CSA before, a mini summer share is a great way to start. Cost: $525 or just over $29 per delivery, also a HUGE value compared to buying organic produce in the store.

To learn more, watch this 5-minute video from Ploughshare Farm: or visit their website: .

If you have questions about becoming a Ploughshare CSA member or are interested in splitting a share, feel free to email or call me directly.

See below for additional information about Ploughshare Farm:

Ploughshare Farm is a certified organic farm owned by Gary Brever and located near the Chippewa River in Central Minnesota. Farmer Gary is one of Minnesota's leading authorities on organic farming. Gary was honored by the Minnesota Jaycees with the 2012 Farmer of the Year Award and was one of two Minnesota farmers selected to go to Washington to discuss 2012 farm legislation. He also was a recent guest on Lynne Rossetto Kasper's The Splendid Table on American Public Media.

Ploughshare Farm operates as a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). Members of CSA farms pay a fee and in return they receive a weekly "share" of the farm's harvest. Ploughshare delivers its locally grown, freshly picked produce straight from the farm to over 15 drop sites--including Augsburg College--in the Twin Cities and along the western MN I-94 corridor.

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Looking for Housing Near Campus

MBA student looking for housing, preferred near campus. Single WM. Please call Troy at 612- 231- 3554.

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