Tuesday, April 2, 2013
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

DPS Hiring Student Dispatchers

DPS is seeking up to six student employees to serve as student dispatchers beginning Spring 2013. Each position would be for 10-18 hours/week. Those hired will train during the first week of May and then return for August training. Regular hours would begin Fall 2013. Summer employment opportunities are limited, but possible.

Conditions of Employment:
• Commit to 100+ hours of training including a professional Dispatch course, scenario drills, classroom training, and supervised dispatching.
• Have a clear Criminal History Background check upon hire
• Have a clean student conduct record upon hire and maintain that throughout employment

Essential duties include, but are not limited to:
• Provide professional customer service both on the phone and with walk up customers
• Effectively triage multiple phone calls and requests.
• Clearly communicate under pressure and in emergency situations
• Multi-task phone lines, walk up customers, radio communication, and computer programs.
• Enforce and communicate college policy to peers and superiors
• Have detailed knowledge of campus layout, departmental & campus processes(s)
• Monitor video recording systems
• Operate the CCure card access system
• Effectively use the ReportExec CAD system
• Maintain use of digital logging voice recording system
• Assist with the management of parking services.
• Handle key issues (check in/out, auditing, lost key issues etc.)

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Teaching and Learning

Creating an Inclusive Campus – Call for Proposals

Creating an Inclusive Campus Conference
Reimagining Augsburg: Learning, Retention, and Success
Conference Dates: May 22-23
Proposals Due: April 19

This two-day annual conference will be held May 22-23 and is designed to feature key developments in fulfilling our commitment to intentional diversity and global learning at Augsburg College. It includes an opening session entitled "Reimagining Augsburg: Learning, Retention, and Success." It will combine an inspirational presentation with a working session to envision how we can co-create an inclusive community committed to learning, retention, and success of all members.

As our mission states, "The Augsburg experience is supported by an engaged community, committed to intentional diversity in its life and work." What does it mean to be committed to intentional diversity? It means that we recruit a diverse student body and create an inclusive, supportive learning environment that enables them to succeed. It means that we prepare all students to work collaboratively in a diverse, global environment. Finally, it means that we hire diverse faculty and staff, and create an inclusive, supportive work environment that enables them to be meaningfully involved in the work of Augsburg College. This conference allows us to celebrate what we are doing right and engage in dialogue about how we can continue to improve.

We invite you to design sessions that will engage faculty and staff in conversations about learning, retention, and success at Augsburg; or presentations that will deepen understanding of what is being done to create a more inclusive community. These sessions may focus on facilitating the success of all students, embedding diversity and global learning in the curriculum, or developing our community.

Please submit a proposal for a 90-minute session. Provide a title for your session, list of presenters, and a 150-200 word description of the session you would like to facilitate. Submit your proposal to ctl@augsburg.edu by April 19.

The conference is co-sponsored by CTL, the Office of International Programs, Human Resources, Student Affairs, and General Education

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Convocation Daily Schedule Changes

On Thursday, April 4, the Koryne Horbal Lecture (Convocation) will affect the daily class schedule.

The revised schedule will be:
1st Period 8:00-9:20 a.m.
2nd Period 9:30-10:50 a.m.
Convocation 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
3rd Period 12:10-1:20 p.m.
Remaining classes follow regular schedule

On Tuesday, April 9, the Sverdrup Visiting Scientist Lecture (Convocation) will affect the daily class schedule.

The revised schedule will be:
1st Period 8:00-9:20 a.m.
2nd Period 9:30-10:50 a.m.
Convocation 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
3rd Period 12:10-1:20 p.m.
Remaining classes follow regular schedule

The schedule modifications for April 4 and April 9 are posted at http://www.augsburg.edu/registrar/convocations.html .

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General Announcements

Dining Services

The special of the day at Nabo is a Jerk Turkey Burger with chips and a fountain soda. This can be used for the meal replacement.

Join us in the Commons on Thursday for International Day where we will be serving foods from Sweden.

During lunch in the Commons we will be having a Greek Yogurt tasting from 11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Stop by and try some.

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Augsburg Receives $10 Million for CSBR

Yesterday, Augsburg announced that the College has received a $10 million unrestricted gift--the largest in the College's history--from a 1965 alumnus. The gift will support the Center for Science, Business, and Religion, which the College's Board of Regents has identified as Augsburg's top capital priority.

To read more about this tremendous donation, see the story on Inside Augsburg: http://inside.augsburg.edu/news-archives/2013/04_01_13/Philanthropic_Gift.html .

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Cap and Gown Info

Graduating in May?

If you reserved your cap and gown - it will be ready to purchase on April 9. If you did not reserve, you may come in at any time to purchase your cap and gown. Please not a late charge will be added to the final cost of your cap and gown.

Graduating in June?

Cap and Gowns must be reserved online by April 9.

You will not need to pay until you pick up at the store. Cap & Gowns will be ready to purchase on May 11 at the WEC/Masters Grad Fair 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. If you are unable to make it to the Grad Fair, you are able to pick up any time the store is open till graduation. If your gown is not reserved by April 9, a $15.00 late charge will be added to the final cost of your cap and gown.

Prices for Cap & Gowns
Bachelor's Cap, Gown & Tassel - $52.95
Master's Cap, Gown, Tassel, & Hood -$91.00
Bachelor's gown only- $33.95
Master's gown only - $36.00
Cap $10.00
Tassel $11.00
Hood $36.00

Please be sure to stop by the bookstore for your Grad Fair – in addition to purchasing your cap & gown, pick up your five free announcements, look at custom announcements, and diploma frames!

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Housing Expo

Housing Expo April 2 - Christensen Center!
Love living on – Choose your adventure for next year.

Remember! Bring your selection number along with all roommates! http://www.augsburg.edu/reslife/returning/

1 Bedroom/2 Person
2 Bedroom/4 Person
2 Bedroom/3 Person (Single)
2 Bedroom/3 Persons (Double)

Apartment (2 Bedroom/4 Person)

2 Bedroom/4 Person/1 Bathroom
2 Bedroom/4 Person/2 Bathroom
4 Bedroom/4 Person
2 Bedroom/3 Person (Single)
2 Bedroom/3 Person (Double)

OREN GATEWAY: Substance free environment
StepUP Studio
4 Bedroom/4 Person
3 Bedroom/3 Person
2 Bedroom/2 Person


Follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/AugsburgRescomm

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Summer Housing

Choose the living arrangement that best suits your needs. Once you do this find any one of our professional staff to pick space and sign contract:

Luther Hall: Single bedrooms in shared apartments (multiple apartment-style options)

Oren Gateway: StepUP students only. (Limited number of apartments and flat bedrooms)

Priority Deadline is April 19. Residence Life professional staff will assist with apartment selection and contract signing. Find us in the Residence Life or Housing Specialist office to pick space and sign contract.

If you have any questions about this information, please contact a Residence Hall Director (Residence Life office) or Cyndy Rowe at rowe@augsburg.edu or by telephone at (612) 330-1488 or stop by the walk-in office hours are Tuesday through Friday, 1-3 p.m.


Follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/AugsburgRescomm

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Deadline Approaching for Fitness Incentive

This notice is intended for those who are enrolled in Augsburg's health plan for the 2013 plan.

If you have not already reported your workouts, please note the deadline is Monday, April 8, 2013.

As announced during open enrollment, all employees who enrolled in Augsburg's health plan were eligible to participate in the 2013 Fitness Incentive Plan.

To participate, enrollees must:

· Work out a minimum of 4 times per week from January 1 - March 31

· Work out a minimum of 4 times per week from April 1 - June 30

Enrollees in the High Deductible Health Plan ($2,500 deductible) have the potential to be rewarded with the following:

· $250.00 deposited into your Health Savings Account (HSA) in April for working out at least 4 times per week from January - March

· $250.00 deposited into your HSA in July for working out at least 4 times per week from April - June

Enrollees in the $1,000 deductible plan and enrollees in the High Deductible Health Plan ($2,500 deductible) that do not have an HSA account have the potential to be rewarded with the following:

· Entry into a drawing to happen in April for a chance to win one of 9 prizes for working out at least 4 times per week from January - March

· Entry into a drawing in July for a chance to win one of 9 prizes for working out at least 4 times per week from April - June

You MUST successfully complete phase one (working out 4 times per week from January - March) to be eligible for rewards for completing phase two (working out 4 times per week on average from April - June).

Track your work out usage on the Excel spreadsheet at http://web.augsburg.edu/hr/2013_benefits/2013ExerciseLog.xlsx

You must submit your completed tracking spreadsheet for the first phase of the program (workouts from January - March) via email to Tammy McBroom (mcbroom@augsburg.edu) no later than MONDAY, APRIL 8, 2013.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Keep up the great work!

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Virtual Career Fair - April 18

Are you graduating this Spring? Be green, be virtual, be recruited online. The Minnesota Private College Career Consortium is hosting a Virtual Career Fair. Participate in a Job Fair that's convenient, user-friendly and within the comfort of your own room. Registration is free. Visit http://minnesota.careereco.net/ to upload your resume, login to chat with employers prior to the event and check out the employers ahead of time to research their positions.

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Event Announcements

Keeping Clean Yard Sale

As Spring slowly arrives, we all begin to clean out our closets, dorm spaces, homes and apartments in celebration of warmer weather.

Augsburg Step-Up and members of Project Management Section A, are asking for your help by donating your gently used clothing, accessories, dorm room/apartment furnishings, and electronics. Items will be donated to the First annual Keeping clean Yard Sale, Fundraiser and Informational. Being held on Friday April 5, 2013 In the Oren Gateway Atrium (Date Change) from 11 a.m. - 8 p.m.

We as Students of Project Management Section A are looking to raise awareness and support of Augsburg's Step-Up program, the country's largest residential college recovery program. Every year Augsburg's Step-Up program serves and assists around 85 students from around the country and has served over 600 individuals during its strong sixteen year history.

All the proceeds made from this yard sale will go to the building of a Scholarship fund that would benefit the countless Students within the Step-Up program who cannot afford the ever rising cost of tuition, housing, and books.

With the help of donations from the Augsburg community and the broader surrounding Twin Cities area, we hope to make a difference and show our support for a pivotal group in our Augsburg community.

For more information on how to donate or about the Keeping clean yard sale and Fundraiser for Step-Up please contact us at: keepingcleanyardsale@gmail.com

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Focused Conversation: Augsburg Promise

Focused Conversation: Augsburg Promise will be Thursday, April 4, 3:40 p.m. in Foss 175.

A second Focused Conversation (repeat)on this topic will be held on Wed., April 10, 12 - 1 p.m., Foss 175.

The Augsburg Promise initiative announced last fall is about improving undergraduate student retention. The Augsburg Promise work takes advantage of and is supported by investments in technology with programs such as Retain, AgileGrad and AgileAdvisor. Implementing these software programs will assist faculty and staff in supporting student academic success.

The Focused Conversation is an opportunity to provide an update on work to date and a calendar for implementation of various systems and processes. There will be time for questions and opportunities for input.

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Win $50 During Philanthropy Week

Philanthropy Week continues with more fun! Visit Christensen Center today from 10 a.m. to noon to play games, win prizes, and donate to the Feed the Pig Competition! Posted a picture on Auggie Eagle's Facebook page yet? Be sure to "Tag it!" all around campus! You could win $50!

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Science Majors - Event Thursday

All students majoring or minoring in the Sciences are encouraged to drop by the Strommen Center for Meaningful Work this Thursday, April 4, between 3-5 p.m. Representatives from Aerotek Scientific and PACE Analytical will be on campus to critique resumes (your resume can be a rough draft) and answer questions that you may have regarding how to find jobs or internships in the sciences. This is a very casual event! No need to dress up! No need for an appointment! Just drop by for 10-15 minutes and visit with these employers. Both of these staffing agencies have MANY clients that are seeking to hire college students and/or graduates.

Questions, call us at 612-330-1472.

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Day at the Capitol Event

On April 11, students will have the chance to visit the Capitol to show support for the Private College State Grant that provides financial aid for students. Due to recent budget deficits, the State Grant is in danger of being discontinued, so come out to show your support! Transportation, lunch, and a T-shirt is provided free of charge, followed by a dessert reception with former U.S. Representative Martin Sabo after the event. Get more information and register here:


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Reading by John Mitchell Award Winners and Judge

John Medeiros, judge of this year's Academy of American Poets John R. Mitchell Award sponsored by the Augsburg English Department, will read with recipients Steve Saari and Brianna OlsonCarr on Wednesday, April 3 at 6:30 p.m. in the Augsburg Bookstore.

John Medeiros is the author of Couplets for a Shrinking World published in 2012. His work has appeared in many books and journals including Evergreen Chronicles, Christopher Street, Gulf Coast, and the anthologies, Among the Leaves: Queer Male Poets On the Midwestern Experience and Collective Brightness: LGBTIQ Poets on Faith, Religion and Spirituality.

His work has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and as a Notable Essay in Best American Essays of 2006. He is the curator of Queer Voices: A GLBT Reading Series, a reading series for queer writers sponsored by Intermedia Arts.

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Hesser Gives Torstenson Lecture Today

The Department of Sociology is proud to feature our own Garry Hesser as the 7th Annual Torstenson Lecture in Sociology. Garry's lecture asks, "Place Matters...So?"

The Lecture begins at 5 p.m. in the Chapel, with a reception to follow in the Atrium.

Please join us for this special event!

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Book Drive for Children's Books

Do you remember your favorite books as a child? Did you know that most children have to be read to for 1,000 hrs. before they are ready to read on their own? With that in mind, we are collecting new and gently used books for young children from early childhood to mid-elementary school age. These books will help to establish a lending library at CLUES, Comunidades Latinas en Servicio. CLUES' mission is to enhance the quality of life of the Latino community in Minnesota. For more information about CLUES, please visit www.clues.org.

Books can be in English or Spanish; they will be translated as necessary. You can find drop boxes in several locations: in the Auggie's Nest (basement of Christensen Center), on first or 2nd fl. of Old Main and in all of the residence halls. Collection goes through Friday, April 5.

This book drive is sponsored by Spanish Conversation Group, ALAS and LINK. For questions or comments, please contact Kate Reinhardt at reinhard@augsburg.edu.

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Keeping Track of Auggies

Student Steve Saari Featured on "Poet as Radio"

Augsburg Poet Steve Saari was featured on the 31 March 2013 edition of KUSF Online's "Poet as Radio" show [ http://poetasradio.blogspot.com/p/quick-links-to-show-archives.html ]. An English Major in Creative Writing, Steve read several poems, which the hosts then discussed. Steve's poem "Visiting Hours" was also recently recognized with an Honorable Mention in the Engman Prizes and his work has appeared in several issues of "Murphy Square."

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Auggie Athletics

No postings


Encourage Girls to Run with She Runs

Is your daughter, sister, or friend interested in learning to run? Why not encourage her to join She Runs? Our group is for girls age 9-12. We meet every Monday and Thursday, April 8-May 23, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Richfield Community Center. We do warm-up activities, play games, and then do a training run together. Our season will conclude with a 5K race on Saturday, June 1.

The cost of the program is $75. The cost includes a t-shirt and the 5K race. Register at http://www.maxsolutionsonline.com/cityofrichfield/Customer/BrowseActivities.aspx
We also need coaches to work with the girls! If you are interested in helping one or both days each week, please contact Wendi Wheeler at wheelerw@augsburg.edu. I can provide transportation from Augsburg. You'll get a free t-shirt and have a lot of fun!

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Time to Sign Up for Organic Vegetable Shares

The summer vegetable season is right around the corner and, again this year, Augsburg College is a delivery site for Ploughshare Farm. Ploughshare delivers locally grown, certified organic produce every Thursday throughout the summer to those who purchase a share. Here are some quick facts about Ploughshare:

Ploughshare Farm is a certified organic farm owned by Gary Brever and located near the Chippewa River in Central Minnesota. Farmer Gary is one of Minnesota's leading authorities on organic farming. Gary was honored by the Minnesota Jaycees with the 2012 Farmer of the Year Award and was one of two Minnesota farmers selected to go to Washington to discuss 2012 farm legislation. He also was a recent guest on Lynne Rossetto Kasper's The Splendid Table on American Public Media.

Ploughshare Farm operates as a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). Members of CSA farms pay a fee and in return they receive a weekly "share" of the farm's harvest. Ploughshare delivers its locally grown, freshly picked produce straight from the farm to over 15 drop sites--including Augsburg College--in the Twin Cities and along the western MN I-94 corridor.

Ploughshare Farm offers TWO different summer share options:

>> A Full Summer share consists of 10-15 kinds of fresh organically grown vegetables, fruits, and herbs delivered to you for 17-18 weeks. The share will vary in size, growing from around 7-12 lbs. in the spring to well over 25 lbs. in the late summer and early fall. One share will generously feed two people with a vegetarian diet or a family of four with mixed diets. Cost: $675 or just over $37 per delivery, a HUGE value compared to buying organic produce in the store.

>> The Mini Summer Share is designed to feed an individual or couple. They are also perfect for a family wanting to tryout a CSA and dabble with healthier, organic living. The mini box will typically contain 6-8 kinds of produce and herbs and is 50-60% of what the Full Summer Share box weighs. If you've never belonged to a CSA before, a mini summer share is a great way to start. Cost: $525 or just over $29 per delivery, also a HUGE value compared to buying organic produce in the store.

To learn more, watch this 5-minute video from Ploughshare Farm: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSN2pXhDxcc&feature=youtu.be or visit their website: http://www.ploughsharefarm.com .

If you have questions about becoming a Ploughshare CSA member or are interested in splitting a share, feel free to email or call me directly.

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