Wednesday, February 5, 2014
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Minneapolis Street Parking Notice

For those who utilize Minneapolis street parking: Keep watch for additional parking restriction signs on the Minneapolis streets in and around campus.


High snow accumulation prompts limited parking restrictions

Because of snow and ice buildup along curbs, some streets are getting too narrow for fire trucks, ambulances and transit buses to get around effectively. To ensure that all streets are open for emergency vehicles, "No Parking" signs will be posted in some locations. In other areas, crews will work to remove some of the accumulated snow and ice as resources allow.

Over the coming days, street crews will address specific areas that are problematic for larger vehicles to navigate. They will use two different strategies that residents and business owners may see on their blocks:

Postings of one-side parking restrictions. These would be left in place until conditions warrant their lifting or require more extensive parking restrictions.

Streets may be posted with temporary "No Parking" signs so crews can plow and/or remove snow to widen streets. The restrictions would be lifted following the snow removal.

Drivers should look for for and follow the "No Parking" signs, and help remind others to do the same. Vehicles parked in a spot posted for "No Parking" may ticketed or towed to the impound lot.

At this time, the City is NOT instituting Winter Parking Restrictions, which would prohibit parking on one side of non-Snow Emergency routes throughout the city. If there's more snow in the coming weeks, it may be necessary to impose Winter Parking Restrictions to help ensure that firefighters, medics and other emergency workers can reach homes and businesses on every street.

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Teaching and Learning

Fulbright Summer Institutes Applications Available

The US-UK Fulbright Commission offers special Summer Institutes for US citizens to come to the UK. These summer programs provide the opportunity for US undergraduates (aged over 18), with at least two years of undergraduate study left to complete, to come to the UK for a three, four, five or six week academic and cultural summer program.

The program looks for students who display leadership qualities and initiative, academic ability, character, adaptability and ambassadorial qualities and requires a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Please email or stop by the URGO office by next week if you would like to apply. Applications for the Summer Institutes are due February 27 or March 6 based on program.

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Ally Trainings Offered Next Week

Staff and faculty are invited to attend Ally Trainings this February. These workshops give participants an opportunity to learn about LGBTQIA history and culture, discuss terminology, and build skills to work with LGBTQIA communities. Workshops are taking place:

Ally Training I
Tuesday, February 11
1-4 p.m.
Oren Gateway 100

Ally Training II (for people who have been through Ally Training I)
Wednesday, February 12
9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Oren Gateway 100

To RSVP for either session, please email Michael Grewe at

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Spaces Available - Civil Discourse Employee Training

As you may recall in October HR coordinated several employee training sessions on Civil Discourse. The sessions filled quickly. Many employees that were unable to attend those sessions requested that we offer the training again. In response, we are pleased to inform you that we are offering the course again. The session information is listed below and there are still many spaces available and refreshments will be served.

Augsburg is committed to providing development opportunities for our employees that enable each of us to better serve this community. The sessions are open to all faculty and staff at no cost. Augsburg is a vibrant and diverse community and this training will provide valuable tools to help people effectively communicate across our diverse group.

Thursday, February 6, 2014 - Marshall Room
Session 1: 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
Session 2: 1-4:30 p.m.

The training will cover the following aspects of communication:
- Differing definitions of respect
- Common communication break-downs
- Characteristics of tactful and diplomatic communicators
- A self-assessment of various communication styles
- Tips for adjusting one's own style of communication
- A Communication Action Plan for use during times of difficult or problematic communication

Here's how to register:
Register by emailing your name and by specifying which session AM (8:30 - noon) or PM (1:00 - 4:30) you would like to attend.

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Paid Summer Research Opportunities

Many Augsburg students apply for summer research programs throughout the country. Last year Augsburg students could be found conducting research at Johns Hopkins, The National Institute of Standards and Technology, The University of Minnesota, The Mayo Clinic, and more.

Please check out URGO's website to find our database of off-campus research opportunities throughout the country for students from all majors:

URGO is eager to help students with their applications and personal statements, so feel free to stop by the office at Science 152 or email if you choose to apply for programs

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Open Moodle Lab - OGC 103

Do you need some help
building/editing your hybrid course Moodle site?
planning the online components of your hybrid course?
creating engaging forum discussion assignments?
devising relevant online assignments?

Come to an Open Moodle Lab for individualized help. Open Labs will be held;
Tues. & Wed. from 9-10:30 a.m. - OGC 103
Thurs. 1:00-2:30 p.m. - Lindell 202

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Convocation Daily Schedule Change

On Tuesday, February 11, the Batalden Seminar in Applied Ethics will affect the daily class schedule.

The revised schedule will be:
1st Period 7:50-9:15 a.m. (instead of 7:50-9:30)
2nd Period 9:25-10:50 a.m. (instead of 9:40-11:20)
Convocation 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
3rd Period 12:10-1:40 p.m.
Remaining classes follow regular schedule

The schedule modifications for convocations are posted at .

For more information about the convocation series and featured presenters, visit .

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Study in Germany, Slovenia or Paris/Berlin

The deadline has been extended to next Tuesday, February 11 to apply for the summer break programs in Slovenia, Paris/Berlin, or Germany! Complete a major requirement or an LAF, get your Augsburg Experience requirement fulfilled and have the experience of a lifetime abroad - all without missing a semester!

International Business: Germany
Course options: BUS 465 OR FIN 460
Program Fees: (Estimate) $4,999
For more details:

Prelude to WWII: Paris & Berlin
Course options: HIS195/495 OR ENL270/499
Program Fees: $5,299
For more details:

Psychology and Education: Slovenia
Course Options: PSY 295 AND either EDC 490/580 or 499/599
Program fees: (estimate) $5,599
For more details:

First step! Attend a study abroad info session:
We host study abroad info sessions each day of the week - just stop by Christiansen Suite 2 in the lower level for a 15-20 minute meeting to get started today!
Meetings are 10:35 on M and W and 3:35 on T, TH, and F

Visit the links to find out more about each program, or contact Andrea Dvorak at or 612-330-1669.

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CTL Night at the Theater - February 7

The Center for Teaching and Learning and the Theater Arts Department present
Faculty and Staff Night at the Theater

Friday, February 7 at 7:00 p.m.
Tjornhom-Nelson Theater, Foss Center

A new translation of Sophocles' Antigone
By Anne Carson
Directed by Martha Johnson

Free tickets for faculty and staff
Post-show refreshments
A talkback featuring Doug Green of the English Department, Marty Stortz of the Christensen Center for Vocation, Sarah Myers of the Theater Department, director Martha Johnson of the Theater Department, and the Antigonick student cast

In her highly innovative translations of ancient plays, acclaimed poet Anne Carson "combines contemporary language with the traditional structures and rhetoric of Greek tragedy, opening up [ancient tales]…to a modern audience…" In Antigonick, Carson emphasizes the importance of time-and timing-in tragedy, by introducing a silent character, Nick, who is always on stage measuring things while the events of the play unfold. Antigone is "here given an entirely fresh language and presentation." The Augsburg Theater Department production is an area premiere and only the second production ever of this provocative new play.

Make reservations at and please indicate you are faculty or staff interested in CTL Night.

20 free seats available on a first-come, first-served basis so reserve your tickets early!

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Prepare for a Career in Academic Medicine 2/14

Friday, February 14 at 2 p.m. Dr. Lisa Schimmenti from the U of M Pediatrics department and the department of Ophthalmology and Visual Neurosciences will discuss how to best prepare as an undergraduate for a career in academic medicine. Come to the Marshall Room in Christensen to attend.

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Paris and Berlin in Springtime - Apply by Feb. 11

Paris and Berlin in the 1920s and '30s

Dreaming of springtime? Longing to travel? Love the arts? Need AugExperience?

The deadline for Summer Travel Seminars has been extended to Feb. 11, 2014, and a few spots are still available for the Paris-Berlin study seminar -- go to Augsburg Abroad for more information:

Travel dates: May 17 - June 1, 2014, plus class meetings on campus before and after

Course: ENL 270 or HIS 195 (students may also opt to take it for upper-division or honors credit - see instructors) -- LAF credit

Instructors: Professors Bob Cowgill and Jacqueline deVries

This unique, interdisciplinary course will draw you into the interwar period, when thousands of writers and artists flocked to Paris and Berlin in search of fame, fortune, and inspiration, helping to create a cultural of social transgression and enormous creative explosiveness amidst a swiftly changing political landscape. They witnessed the failure of capitalism and liberal democracy, the rise of authoritarian and totalitarian dictatorship, and ultimately the spread of political violence and the advance of war.

We will explore the work of famous expatriate American and British writers who settled in these cities, as well as the local artists who were experimenting with artistic form. Our travels in Paris and Berlin will also allow you to consider how modernist practices in literature, film, and theater are currently adapted by artists in these cities today.

Don't miss it!

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General Announcements

Practice Spanish With Us on Thursday

Looking for a chance to improve your Spanish conversation skills? Then we've got just the thing for you - Spanish Conversation group!

Please join us as we gather to chat in Spanish, laugh, and have a bit of fun. From beginning to advanced, all levels are welcome! We meet every Thursday in the Riverside Room, 2nd floor Christensen, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Signs will be posted. Join us for 10 minutes or for the whole session, whatever works for you. Feel free to bring your lunch.

Attend 3 sessions and receive a free T-shirt that says, "Augsburg Habla Español"!

Questions? Contact Kate Reinhardt, ext. 1081 or Anita Fisher, ext. 1082. We hope to see you there!

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Cap and Gown Information - Please Read

Please order your cap and gown by February 27! The website will close at midnight for ordering. All late order will have to be placed at the bookstore and will have a $10 late charge.
The website to order is

Prices for cap and gowns are located on website. You will pay for your order when you pick up at the bookstore on April 11 or 12.


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2014 Regional Spelling Bee - 3 Judges Needed

Augsburg College is excited to once again host the 2014 Minnesota Seven County Metro Area Regional Spelling Bee on Saturday, March 15, 2014.

We are in need of 3 more volunteer judges to participate in this fun and competitive event! We ask that volunteers arrive at 11 a.m. in the Foss Atrium. Lunch will be provided and the event should conclude around 5 p.m.

The judging rolls the remain available are:

Corrections Judge
Appeals Judge (2 people needed)

If you are interested please contact Kristin Daniels, Senior Admissions Counselor, at

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Leave Accruals Now on Timekeeping System Only

Starting on the next payroll, Friday February 7, you will not see any information in the accruals box on your pay stubs. Instead you will see a message in the lower left corner box that will state "LEAVE ACCRUALS NOW FOUND ON TIMEKEEPING SYSTEM ONLY".

To see your current accruals balance you will need to log in to the Kronos timekeeping system and click on accruals.

Questions please direct your questions to

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Diversity and Inclusion Meeting

Students, faculty and staff are invited to a campus conversation and update on diversity and inclusion at Augsburg. The Diversity and Inclusion Committee meets Wed., Feb. 5, 3-4 p.m. in OGC 100.

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2014 College Observed Holidays

2014 Holidays Observed - Staff

1/1/2014 New Years Day
4/18/2014 Good Friday
5/26/2014 Memorial Day
7/4/2014 Independence Day
11/27/2014 Thanksgiving
11/28/2014 Day after Thanksgiving
12/24/2014 Christmas Eve Day
12/25/2014 Christmas Day
12/26/2014 Day after Christmas
Plus 3 Floating Holidays

2014 Holidays Observed - Union Staff

1/1/2014 New Years Day
4/18/2014 Good Friday
5/26/2014 Memorial Day
7/4/2014 Independence Day
9/1/2014 Labor Day
11/27/2014 Thanksgiving
11/28/2014 Day after Thanksgiving
12/24/2014 Christmas Eve Day
12/25/2014 Christmas Day
12/26/2014 Day after Christmas
Plus 2 Floating Holidays

Information can also be found on the HR Moodle.

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Residence Life REC Position 14-15

Looking for a job? Could you use a housing stipend? Want to work at a job that is flexible with a variety of tasks that are never the same two days in a row? That might sound a lot to ask for, but we have an opportunity for you.

Residential Executive Coordinators (RECs) work for the Department of Residence Life. We are hiring for two REC positions for next 2014-15 academic year. So what does an REC even do?

One day spent in the office could be working on an excel spreedsheet, keeping track of data. Another day spent in the office could include meeting with ResLife student staff and motivating them to reach out to residents and make a difference in the lives of others. It just depends on the day!

One of the best things about the job is its flexibility and willingness to work with individual skill sets. For example, if you are not so great at putting up bulletin boards, but you are great at writing, your Residence Hall Director will cater your daily tasks to do more writing, and maybe a little less working with bulletin boards.

Residence Life has a great staff made up of individuals who are great to work with. In the process, you meet a ton of new people you'd never normally talk to.

It is great experience and being an REC especially tends to open a lot of doors. It has a 20 hour/week time commitment, so that is something to consider, but the experience you gain and the people you get to work with is well worth time spent.

Check it out! Apply today by contacting Residence Hall Director, Eric Pegués at

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Preparing for Years of Service Recognition

Hello fellow staff members!
The 2014 Staff Appreciation Event is coming up on Tuesday, March 11 from 2:30-4 p.m. in the East Commons, Christensen Center. The Augsburg College Staff Senate will honor staff celebrating milestones in length of service as well as those receiving Outstanding Staff Awards. We celebrate 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 years of service from January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013. If you think you should or should not be on this list, please contact me at or ext. 1160.

*Remember to nominate an outstanding staff member by February 14, 2014!

Thank you!
Tracy Christianson and Staff Senate

5 Years
Amborn, Timothy
Crombie, Lara
Diercks, Kelly Anderson
Erickson, Carl
Fortier, Josef
Grewe, Michael
Haas, Jessica
Hallanger, Nathan
Hoisington, Daniel
Keplar, Justin
Matthias, James
Motl, Melissa
Peacock, Stephen
Reeck, Joanne
Ridgle, David
Schlipp-Riedel, Sara
Spinosa de Vega, Leah
St Aubin, David
Stone, Kim
Strom, Eric
Stuckey, Dennis
Tavera, Maria
Vaughan-Fier, Jonathan
Washburn, Scott
Yang, Bruno

10 Years
Kurpiers, Ronald
Bassani, Elizabeth
Hill, Ut
Shidla, Carrie
Young, Sherilyn

15 Years
Ohlander, Dixie
Akpan, Akpan
Garvey, Ann
Hagander, Sonja

20 Years
Trelstad-Porter, James
Lutterman-Aguilar, Ann
Tilton, Sandra

25 Years
McBride, Kathleen
Sticha, Cheryl

30 Years
Rowe, Bruce

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Community Lunch - February 5

Join your colleagues and friends for lunch.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014 Human Resources will be hosting a community lunch for faculty and staff. The lunch will be in the East Commons of Christensen Center 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Information about upcoming Wellness Challenges will be provided as well many other department updates.

Hope to see you there.

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Verizon Discount for Augsburg Faculty/Staff

Attention Staff and Faculty: because Augsburg uses Verizon Wireless for our critical campus phones, you are eligible for a discount on your personal Verizon service. Bring a copy of a recent pay stub (feel free to black out your pay info) to a Verizon store and reference ECPD #946999 to get the discount applied to your bill.

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Nominations Open for Augsburg Leadership Awards

Nominations are currently open for the 2013-14 Augsburg Leadership Awards! These awards recognize student leaders and student groups for their innovative and outstanding leadership during the academic year. All students, staff, faculty, alumni, and community members are strongly encouraged to submit nominations; self-nominations are also encouraged. To nominate an individual or a student group, visit

Questions can be directed to Michael Grewe at

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Event Announcements

Internships 2.0 with Mark Babbit - 2/17

Internships provide students with great leaping off points into their careers after college. Come learn from Mark Babbit, the founder and CEO of YouTern about internships. The event will feature information on:

- Discover what makes a good internship and what internships to avoid
- Know the critical components of a contemporary internship and job search - and a fulfilling early career
- Learn how to articulate your unique value proposition to employers
- Understand what it takes to become highly employable in a highly competitive job market

Kennedy Center 305 from 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. on February 17. Includes free lunch!

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Beer and Entrepreneurship Panel - TOMORROW

We are excited to announce that the Campus Kitchen at Augsburg College and Augsburg's course, "The Science of Food and Cooking," are partnering to offer "Beer and Entrepreneurship," an evening panel featuring leaders in the Twin Cities brewing community. The panel will feature Jacquie Berglund '87 of FINNEGANS, Ben Boo of Mighty Axe Hops Hub (a business co-founded by Augsburg Alum Brian Krohn '08), and Jason Sowards of Harriet Brewing. These leaders will share their experiences in science, business, food justice, and brewing.

"Beer and Entrepreneurship" will take place on February 6 from 7 to 8 p.m. in the Marshall Room at Augsburg College.

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Shared Governance Town Hall Meeting

The Shared Governance Task Force formed by the Board of Regents will be holding meetings across campus in the next few weeks with various groups and committees, and with a series of open meetings. Please join members of the Governance Task Force on Thurs., Feb. 6 12-1:30 p.m. in the Augsburg Room (upstairs in the Christensen Center) to share your views and experiences with decision-making and governance at the College. These meetings are an opportunity for all members of the campus community to be involved in improving our decision-making practices. Forums will involve conversations that ask participants to draw on recent experiences with decision-making at the College and a chance for open discussion of ways to improve governance at the college.

Other town hall meetings will be held as follows:
Tues., Feb. 11, 3:40 - 5 p.m. Marshall Room
Fri., Feb. 14, 9:20 - 10:30 a.m. OGC 100

Anyone wishing to pass along suggestions, ask questions, set up other meetings, or meet individually with members of the task force should feel free to contact either of the on-campus co-chairs, Diane Pike ( or Joe Underhill (

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Strommen Executive Speakers Series

February 13, 2014 5:00-6:00 p.m.
Dave St. Peter, President, Minnesota Twins
"The Business of Baseball"
Sateren Auditorium

Please join us on Thursday, February 13, 2014 for our next Strommen Executive Speakers Series event featuring Dave St Peter, President of the Minnesota Twins. Dave St. Peter joined the Twins in 1990 as an intern, and was named president in 2002. He oversees the team's day-to-day operations, strategic planning and interaction with Major League Baseball. Join us to learn about a fascinating industry!

Light refreshments will be available prior to the event and a free pizza dinner will be served after the event. The event and dinner are free but we ask that you register at

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Gilman Int'l Scholarship Workshop

Augsburg Abroad, TRiO/SSS and Multicultural Student Services invite Pell Grant Recipients* to learn how you could be awarded up to $8000 to study and/or intern abroad through the Gilman International Scholarship. *This scholarship is funded by the US Department of State and is open only to Pell Grant recipients who are also US Citizens.

Over 30 Auggies have been awarded nearly $130,000 through this scholarship over the past 5 years. 3 out of 5 Auggies who complete the scholarship are awarded!

Attend one of the following workshops to learn the keys to winning this scholarship.

Friday, February 7 from 12:30-1:30 in the Riverside Room--Christensen Center
Friday, February 14 from 2:00-3:00 in the Riverside Room--Christensen Center

Deadline to apply for funds for summer (4+ weeks) and Fall/Academic Year 2014 is March 4th.

Stop by the International Opportunities Fair on Friday, February 14 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. to learn about this and other international scholarships. See all of the options Auggies have to Go Abroad!

For more information contact

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Augsburg Theater Department's Antigonick

A new translation of Sophocles' Antigone

By Anne Carson
Directed by Martha Johnson

February 6,7,8 at 7 p.m.
February 9 at 3 p.m.

Tjornhom-Nelson Theater, Foss Center
Ticket Information :

In her highly innovative translations of ancient plays, acclaimed poet Anne Carson "combines contemporary language with the traditional structures and rhetoric of Greek tragedy, opening up [ancient tales] . . .to a modern audience. . ." In Antigonick, Carson emphasizes the importance of time-and timing-in tragedy, by introducing a silent character, Nick, who is always on stage measuring things while the events of the play unfold. Antigone is "here given an entirely fresh language and presentation."

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Eye Opener Featuring Karen Kaivola


Educating for the Public Good:
Why Liberal Education (Still) Matters at Augsburg College

Featuring Karen Kaivola, Augsburg College Provost
Thursday, February 13, 2014
7:00-7:30 a.m. networking and socializing
7:30-8:30 a.m. breakfast and speaker
Minneapolis Club
729 2nd Avenue S. , Minneapolis
Cost: $5.00 (includes breakfast)

Eye Opener Breakfasts are going on the road! Our first Eye Opener of 2014 will be at the Minneapolis Club, and we hope that alumni, faculty and staff will be able to attend! Auggie Eye Openers are specially designed for Augsburg alumni and graduate students to network with one another, grow professionally and reconnect with the College. The cost is $5 per person and includes breakfast. Please go to to reserve your seat.

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International Opportunities Fair - Friday. Feb 14

What better thing to do on Valentine's day but express your love for the world - by finding a great study or internship abroad program! Get a sneak peek of next year's short-term Faculty-led programs.

Enter to win and iPad.

Talk to program representatives to find out about the MANY PROGRAMS and SCHOLARSHIPS available through Augsburg's Center for Global Education and the College's affiliated Programs.

In attendance:

Augsburg's Center for Global Education
Augsburg's International Partners and Exchanges
Central College
Global Links (AsiaLearn, AustraLearn, EuroLearn)
Global Student Teaching, UMN Morris
Keele University-England
Peace Corps
Passport Agency
School for Field Studies
The Education Abroad Network
University of Glasgow--Honors Consortium
UMN, Twin Cities

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Keeping Track of Auggies

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Auggie Athletics

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