Tuesday, February 4, 2014
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Prepare for a Career in Academic Medicine

Friday, February 14 at 2 p.m. Dr. Lisa Schimmenti from the U of M Pediatrics department and the department of Ophthalmology and Visual Neurosciences will discuss how to best prepare as an undergraduate for a career in academic medicine. Come to the Marshall Room in Christensen to attend.

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Paid Summer Research Opportunities

In addition to URGO's undergraduate on-campus summer research program (phase 1 apps due Feb. 3), many students also apply for summer research programs throughout the country. Last year Augsburg students could be found conducting research at Johns Hopkins, The National Institute of Standards and Technology, The University of Minnesota, The Mayo Clinic, and more.

Please check out URGO's website to find our database of off-campus research opportunities throughout the country for students from all majors:


URGO is eager to help students with their applications and personal statements, so feel free to stop by the office at Science 152 or email urgo@augsburg.edu if you choose to apply for programs

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Ally Trainings Offered Next Week

Staff and faculty are invited to attend Ally Trainings this February. These workshops give participants an opportunity to learn about LGBTQIA history and culture, discuss terminology, and build skills to work with LGBTQIA communities. Workshops are taking place:

Ally Training I
Tuesday, February 11
1-4 p.m.
Oren Gateway 100

Ally Training II (for people who have been through Ally Training I)
Wednesday, February 12
9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Oren Gateway 100

To RSVP for either session, please email Michael Grewe at grewe@augsburg.edu.

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Spaces Available: Civil Discourse Employee Training

We are pleased to announce that the well-received employee training, "Civil Discourse: Strategies for Communicating in a Diverse Workplace" will happen again.

Augsburg is committed to providing development opportunities for our employees that enable each of us to better serve this community. The sessions are open to all faculty and staff at no cost. There are two more opportunities to participate in this course.

Thursday, February 6, 2014 - Marshall Room
Session 1: 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
Session 2: 1-4:30 p.m.

The training will cover the following aspects of communication:
- Differing definitions of respect
- Common communication break-downs
- Characteristics of tactful and diplomatic communicators
- A self-assessment of various communication styles
- Tips for adjusting one's own style of communication
- A Communication Action Plan for use during times of difficult or problematic communication

Here's how to register:

On the Human Resources Moodle Page https://moodle.augsburg.edu/moodlecommunity/course/view.php?id=329

Click on the "Civil Discourse: Strategies for Communicating in a Diverse Workplace" link.

You will then be directed to the appointment scheduler tool, where you can select the session you wish to participate. The sessions have a limited number of seats available so register early.

The sessions will be facilitated by Jeffrey Cookson, Organizational Development Manager and Global Diversity Inclusion Specialist. If you have any questions, please contact Katie Berggren at berggren@augsburg.edu

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Open Moodle Lab - OGC 103

Do you need some help
building/editing your hybrid course Moodle site?
planning the online components of your hybrid course?
creating engaging forum discussion assignments?
devising relevant online assignments?

Come to an Open Moodle Lab for individualized help. Open Labs will be held;
Tues. & Wed. from 9-10:30 am - OGC 103
Thurs. 1:00-2:30 p.m. - Lindell 202

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Fulbright Summer Institutes Applications Available

The US-UK Fulbright Commission offers special Summer Institutes for US citizens to come to the UK. These summer programs provide the opportunity for US undergraduates (aged over 18), with at least two years of undergraduate study left to complete, to come to the UK for a three, four, five or six week academic and cultural summer program.

The program looks for students who display leadership qualities and initiative, academic ability, character, adaptability and ambassadorial qualities and requires a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Please email urgo@augsburg.edu or stop by the URGO office by next week if you would like to apply. Applications for the Summer Institutes are due February 27 or March 6 based on program.

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General Announcements

Housing Expo, February 18

Housing Expo is fast approaching! It's on February 18! All you need is your printed selection number and student ID. Make sure to figure out housing for next year and come to Housing Expo. Get your questions answered soon!

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Job Fair Prep Sessions this Week

Registration is now open for the annual MN Private College Job & Internship Fair on February 19, 2014. This fair is open to all sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Register at www.augsburg.edu/strommen

To help prepare students for the fair we are offering a number of prep sessions. This week's sessions will be held on:

•Tuesday, February 4 – 10:30-11:00 a.m. (location: OGC 100)
•Tuesday, February 4 – 11:25-11:55 a.m. (location: OGC 100)
•Tuesday, February 4 – 3:00-3:30 p.m. (Suite 100, Christensen Center)
•Tuesday, February 4 – 3:45-4:15 p.m. (Suite 100, Christensen Center)
•Wednesday, February 5 – 12:30-1:00 p.m. (Suite 100, Christensen Center)
•Wednesday, February 5 – 1:15-1:45 p.m.(Suite 100, Christensen Center)

For questions, contact the Strommen Center for Meaningful Work at 612-330-1148 or email careers@augsburg.edu

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Preparing for Years of Service Recognition

Hello fellow staff members!
The 2014 Staff Appreciation Event is coming up on Tuesday, March 11th from 2:30-4pm in the East Commons, Christensen Center. The Augsburg College Staff Senate will honor staff celebrating milestones in length of service as well as those receiving Outstanding Staff Awards. We celebrate 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 years of service from January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013. If you think you should or should not be on this list, please contact me at Christi@augsburg.edu or ext. 1160.

*Remember to nominate an outstanding staff member by February 14, 2014! http://inside.augsburg.edu/staffsenate/staff-appreciation/

Thank you!
Tracy Christianson and Staff Senate

5 Years
Amborn, Timothy
Crombie, Lara
Diercks, Kelly Anderson
Erickson, Carl
Fortier, Josef
Grewe, Michael
Haas, Jessica
Hallanger, Nathan
Hoisington, Daniel
Keplar, Justin
Matthias, James
Motl, Melissa
Peacock, Stephen
Reeck, Joanne
Ridgle, David
Schlipp-Riedel, Sara
Spinosa de Vega, Leah
St. Aubin, David
Stone, Kim
Strom, Eric
Stuckey, Dennis
Tavera, Maria
Vaughan-Fier, Jonathan
Washburn, Scott
Yang, Bruno

10 Years
Kurpiers, Ronald
Bassani, Elizabeth
Hill, Ut
Shidla, Carrie
Young, Sherilyn

15 Years
Ohlander, Dixie
Akpan, Akpan
Garvey, Ann
Hagander, Sonja

20 Years
Trelstad-Porter, James
Lutterman-Aguilar, Ann
Tilton, Sandra

25 Years
McBride, Kathleen
Sticha, Cheryl

30 Years
Rowe, Bruce

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Nominations Open for Augsburg Leadership Awards

Nominations are currently open for the 2013-14 Augsburg Leadership Awards! These awards recognize student leaders and student groups for their innovative and outstanding leadership during the academic year. All students, staff, faculty, alumni, and community members are strongly encouraged to submit nominations; self-nominations are also encouraged. To nominate an individual or a student group, visit https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1otV7N4FfdLsi_bSL0gHVMkzGL2nZk-97ATv-W9FUSMA/viewform

Questions can be directed to Michael Grewe at grewe@augsburg.edu.

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Career Quick Stop - Today

Career Quick Stop hours: Tuesdays from 1:00-2:30 p.m. and Wednesday's 10:00-11:30 a.m.

These walk-in hours are meant for quick career question and short resume reviews. Appointments will be limited to 15 minutes and students will be seen on a first-come, first-served basis. Simply check-in at Career & Internship Services (Christensen Center, Suite 100).

Individual career coaching appointments are still available; just call 612-330-1148 or stop-in to schedule.

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FREE Counseling Available on Campus for Students

Students don't forget, The Center for Counseling & Health Promotion staff is available for up to 10 FREE counseling appointments per academic year. You can meet with one of our professional counselors right here on campus. Everything is confidential -- what is talked about at CCHP, stays at CCHP.

If you are experiencing any stress, or anxiety about the new semester, perhaps graduating in May, or post holiday relationship issues, then please consider contacting the CCHP office to talk with one of our counselors. Appointments can be made by calling the CCHP office at 612-330-1707. We are open Monday through Friday.

Additional self-help and community resources can also be found on our web page at www.augsburg.edu/cchp.

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Scholarship Opp for Undergrad Students of Color

Applications are now being accepted for Scholastic Connections for 2014-15. Successful applicants for 5 available positions will receive a $5000 scholarship and be paired with an alum of color who will serve as the student's mentor.

Eligibility requirements, information about Scholastic Connections and applications are available at the SC web page. Go to Inside Augsburg, A to Z Directory, Scholastic Connections. http://www.augsburg.edu/connections

Students who are Promise Scholars, full tuition President Scholars or International Scholars are NOT eligible for SC.

Applications and letters of recommendation are due March 1.

Attention Faculty and Staff: If you know of a student of color who could benefit from a $5000 scholarship and work with a mentor, please nominate the student for Scholastic Connections. Nomination forms and information about the program are available at the SC web page. Nominations due March 1.

For more information, contact Cindy Peterson at petersoc@augsburg.edu or 612-330-1754.

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Event Announcements

Internships 2.0 with Mark Babbit- 2/17

Internships provide students with great leaping off points into their careers after college. Come learn from Mark Babbit, the founder and CEO of YouTern about internships. The event will feature information on:

• Discover what makes a good internship and what internships to avoid
• Know the critical components of a contemporary internship and job search – and a fulfilling early career
• Learn how to articulate your unique value proposition to employers
• Understand what it takes to become highly employable in a highly competitive job market

Kennedy Center 305 from 11:00am - 12:30pm on February 17. Includes free lunch!

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Save the Date, Feb. 19, Film Screening in Sateren

Native American Film Series presents:

"Suddenly Sami" (Jeg – en same fra Lambertseter)
by Ellen-Astri Lundby, hosted by Dr. Angelica Lawson

Suddenly Sami is a personal film about identity. When the director discovers that her mother has been hiding her Indigenous Sami background from her, Ellen sets out to Northern Norway to discover why. Ellen's story explores the impact of relocation and diaspora on the Indigenous peoples of Norway and how this history has impacted Sami identity.

February 19, 2014
6:30-9:30 p.m.
Screening begins at 7:00, discussion follows
Sateren Auditorium, Music Hall, 715 22nd Ave South
All events are free to the public.

Dr. Lawson is an assistant professor of American Indian Studies at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities where she teaches American Indian and Indigenous film.

About the Director:
Ellen-Astri Lundby (b. 1959), a freelance reporter and filmmaker, has worked in film and television since 1989 creating humorous short fiction and documentary films.

For More Sami Film Events visit: http://www.nordiclightsfilmfestival.org/

Thank you to our sponsors: the American Indian Studies Department, the Augsburg Native American Film Series, and the University of Minnesota's American Indian Studies Department. http://www.augsburg.edu/filmseries/

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Daily Chapel Series Feb. 3-7: Sermon on the Mount

Please join us for an intriguing week-long chapel series on The Sermon on the Mount.

Tuesday, 2/4, 11:30 am: Rev. Dr. Phil Quanbeck, II, preaching
Wednesday, 2/5, 10:40 am: Service of Holy Communion - The Beatitudes
(Dr. Roberta Kagin, organ & Christopher Huss, vocalist)
Thursday, 2/6, 11:30 am: Thursday, 2/6: Dr. Martha Stortz, Religion Dept.,
preaching (Holly Reddy, vocalist)
Friday, 2/7, 10:40 am: Morning Prayer (Riverside Singers),
followed by C3 [Christ, Community & Coffee]

Chapel is held in Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center. All are welcome!

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Deadline extended to Feb. 11: Summer Study Abroad

The deadline has been extended to next Tuesday February 11 to apply for the summer break programs in Slovenia, Paris/Berlin, or Germany! Complete a major requirement or an LAF, get your Augsburg Experience requirement fulfilled and have the experience of a lifetime abroad – all without missing a semester!

International Business: Germany
Course options: BUS 465 OR FIN 460
Program Fees: (Estimate) $4,999
For more details: https://studyabroad.augsburg.edu/?go=InternationalBusiness

Prelude to WWII: Paris & Berlin
Course options: HIS195/495 OR ENL270/499
Program Fees: $5,299
For more details: https://studyabroad.augsburg.edu/?go=PreludetoWWII

Psychology and Education: Slovenia
Course Options: PSY 295 AND either EDC 490/580 or 499/599
Program fees: (estimate) $5,599
For more details: https://studyabroad.augsburg.edu/?go=PsychEduSlovenia

First step! Attend a study abroad info session:
We host study abroad info sessions each day of the week – just stop by Christiansen Suite 2 in the lower level for a 15-20 minute meeting to get started today!
Meetings are 10:35 on M and W and 3:35 on T, TH, and F

Visit the links to find out more about each program, or contact Andrea Dvorak at dvorak@augsburg.edu or 612-330-1669.

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Bonner Leader Program Information Session

On Wednesday February 12 from 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. in the Augsburg Room and Thursday February 13 from 3:45 p.m.-4:45 p.m. in the Marshall Room, the Augsburg College Bonner Leader Program will be hosting an information session for first years who are interested in apply for the Bonner Program.

Come enjoy coffee and treats with current Bonner Leaders. Hear their stories and experiences! Take this opportunity to ask them questions and learn if Bonner is the family for you!

For more information: http://www.augsburg.edu/bonner/ or email us at bonnerprogram@augsburg.edu

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Keeping Track of Auggies

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Auggie Athletics

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Limited Edition, Boxed Set of Betsy Bowen Prints

For sale is set No. 6 of 35 from Minnesota artist Betsy Bowen's "Antler, Bear, Canoe" alphabet series. Special, limited edition and boxed set of 26 hand-carved and hand-pulled prints with corresponding book. More information and photos of each print in Craigslist ad at http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/dak/art/4315786020.html

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