Thursday, August 8, 2013
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Fire Alarm Testing This Week

Please be aware of fire alarm testing occurring this week. You may hear alarms sounding between 7 A.M. - 3:30 P.M.
Thursday: Science, Sverdrup, Urness, Memorial, Christensen
Friday: Anderson, Luther

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Teaching and Learning

2250 Visits - Last Day of 2012-2013 in the WL

Tutors in the Writing Lab have conducted 2,250 sessions with Augsburg students this past academic year. Thursday is the last day to add to this record total before fall term begins. Hours Thursday are 4:30 - 7:00 p.m. Thanks for all the hard work, wonderful tutors!

The Writing Lab will reopen for the next academic year on Monday, September 16. Stay tuned!

Questions? Contact K. Swanson, English.

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Hybrid Course Design Course

The first Face2Face session of a Hybrid Course Design Moodle Course for faculty will be offered at 1:00 p.m. on Aug. 8 and Aug 22 in OGC 103. The first session is a one-hour session followed by two more online sessions and another Face2Face session offered according to participant choice.

Please send your intention to attend or any questions to Dan McGuire at or call 612.889.3482

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Moodle Huddle Workshop This Week

Moodle Huddle 2013
Strengthen Your Moodle Muscles

To help you gear up for the 2013-14 academic year, your IT User Support Team offers its Moodle Huddle workshop series for all Augsburg faculty and staff. Eighteen 20-minute sessions will be held in Sverdrup Hall, 2nd floor from 9 a.m. to noon each of the following days:

August 8
August 20, 21, 22

View the full Moodle Huddle 2013 schedule at

Each unique session targets specific features, workflows, or strategies to best implement your goals in Moodle. No RSVP is required. You are welcome to attend topics that fit your needs or schedule. Come for a few sessions or attend multiple days to get all 18. Refreshments provided.

Questions? Contact Eric Strom at

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General Announcements

Attn: Student Employment Hiring Managers

This fall will begin the implementation of changes to the student employment program here at Augsburg. These changes were recommended as a result of the work completed by the Common Work Advisory Group. The recommendations were then approved by the Cabinet in February.

1. Priority hiring will be extended to November 1st. The priority hiring period is intended to give preference to students that qualify for federal or state work study. After November 1st hiring is open to all students regardless of their work study eligibility. This priority period does not apply to students returning to a previous position.

2. Student employment positions classified as technical will now be paid at a rate of $9.00/hour. This rate will apply to students that are new to a technical position. Students returning to a technical position in the fall will receive the same rate they were earning last year.

3. Student pay for non-technical positions will be a three tier scale.
a. New students will earn a rate equal to minimum wage currently $7.25/hour.
b. Students with one year of student employment completed will receive $7.75/hour.
c. Students with two years or more of student employment completed will receive $8.15/hour.

In the coming weeks additional information will be sent out to guide faculty and staff as they begin hiring students for the fall. Should you have any questions, please contact Liz Bassani in Human Resources at

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Rotary Club Wall of Wine Raffle

Please support the community-based service work of the West St. Paul-Mendota Heights Rotary Club by purchasing a raffle ticket. Each $10 ticket is a chance to win a grand prize of 30 bottles of wine and a wine chiller. Second prize is 10 bottles of wine.

All proceeds go to support Dakota County-based nonprofits, schools, and projects, and to support Rotary International projects. Each year, the Rotary Club serves meals 10 times at Loaves & Fishes, sponsors and hosts an ethics program for 60 formal and informal student leaders at Henry Sibley High School, participates in the Adopt-A-Road program, and makes direct contributions to organizations that provide emergency food, shelter, mental health and domestic violence prevention services, and more.

To arrange to purchase a ticket, contact Stephanie Weiss, director of news and media services, at or x 1476 to coordinate meeting on campus to purchase a ticket (or many tickets!).

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Event Announcements

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Keeping Track of Auggies

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Auggie Athletics

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