Monday, June 11, 2012
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Summer in the Writing Lab

Summer hours in the Writing Lab: 4:30 - 6 PM, MWR. These hours will be maintained from May 30 - June 28; July 9 - August 8 in order to accommodate all WEC, grad, and SS students.
Any questions? Contact Professor Swanson (x1010).

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Welcome Slovenian Social Work Students & Faculty

As part of a long-standing institutional exchange program between the social work faculties at the University of Ljubljana and Augsburg College, ten students and two professors are studying on campus and visiting local social service agencies through June 19. The Slovenia students and professors include: Masa Erzen, Eva Mercina, Petra Boh, Lisa Volk, Nadia Solina, Petra Dolisin, Katarina Bitenc, Monika Okorn, Lea Perko, & Lea Sugman Bo. Please welcome our international guests!

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General Announcements

TIAA-CREF Individual Counseling Sessions

You can discuss your personal financial situation with an experienced TIAA-CREF financial consultant on a confidential basis. They are available to discuss how to help you achieve your financial goals by investing in financial solutions such as mutual funds, brokerage, life insurance and annuities.

Date(s) Time(s) Location(s)
Tuesday, June 26 (8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.) Lindell Library - Room 202
Thursday, July 12 (8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.) Christensen Building - Riverside Room

To discuss your plan and options for managing your retirement savings or to
schedule an appointment with a TIAA-CREF Individual Consultant, please call TIAA-Cref at (866) 843-5640, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

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Event Announcements

2012 Vocation of a Lutheran College Conference

The eighteenth annual Vocation of a Lutheran College Conference will convene at Augsburg from Monday, July 30 - Wednesday, August 1. This year's theme is "A Calling to Embrace Creation: Lutheran Higher Education, Sustainability, and Stewardship."

The agenda for the conference is available at:

As you may know, the ELCA sponsors teams of up to five faculty and staff from each of the ELCA Colleges to attend this annual gathering. Each year this conference brings together our Lutheran college colleagues to explore the distinctive roles we play in higher education. As was true for the last three years, one of the benefits being the host site is that we have the option of inviting more than five people to attend.

To register for the conference, please go to:

If you have questions about registration, please contact Lonna Field at 1467 or If you would like more information about the conference, please contact Tom Morgan at 1773 or

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Social Work International Conference

Augsburg College Social Work Department is proud to present its first global conference. Augsburg community members are welcome to attend!

Presentations will cover a wide array of topics in the following areas: the social work profession, curriculum development, community development, clinical practice, macro practice, and research.

Rosemary Link, internationally respected scholar and educator, will deliver the keynote address on Thursday, June 14. She will speak on the topic of children’s rights. On Friday, June 15, an interdisciplinary panel of experts will share their perspectives on globalization and its effects on social work.

Full conference registration: $150
Full student conference registration: $50
One day conference registration: $100
One day student conference registration:$40

**After May 1, non-student prices increase
10 CEUs provided
For more information, please contact
Phone: 612.330.1233

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Keeping Track of Auggies

Congratulations to NASW Winners

Two members of Augsburg's Social Work Department were honored yesterday at the Minnesota chapter of the National Association of Social Worker annual conference! Professor Tony Bibus received the Lifetime Achievement Award. Among other accolades, he was noted as "...the epitome of the citizen servant; giving to others,inherently humble and non-self serving. Tony’s strong character,hard work, and ethical backbone has served as the fulcrum for many changes in the social work community here in MN."

Also, 2012 BSW Augsburg graduate Billy Hamilton was honored as the Student of the Year. He was noted as a "...remarkable young man, an excellent communicator, and conscientious and caring team member as well as leader. Mr. Hamilton has demonstrated an extraordinary ability to balance multiple demands on his time and attention without stretching himself too far and without losing the infectious enthusiasm with which he dives into service project after service project."

Please join the Social Work Department in congratulating Tony and Billy!

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Melissa Hensley - Mental Health Policy Paper

Dr. Melissa Hensley, Assistant Professor of Social Work, has a paper published in the most recent issue of the Journal of Policy Practice, an important policy journal. Her paper entitled "Perspectives of Mental Health Stakeholders on Health Care Reform" is particularly relevant in the context of the current national health care debate. Congratulations Melissa!

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Auggie Athletics

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