Gmail’s increased gray notification boxes about spam

Posted on Categories Spam

We’ve been seeing more notifications in Gmail that a “message was not sent to Spam based on your organization’s settings.”

Grey box from Gmail

This is likely due to either the overall Gmail spam filter or your personal spam filter becoming more aggressive based on what its learning.

We have configured Augsburg’s Gmail to not flag messages between Augsburg people as spam. So Gmail thinks the message may look like spam but we’ve told Gmail that email between Auggies is not spam.

The spam ecosystem is constantly changing and the Gmail spam filter is constantly learning as spam changes. These changes are normal and we always monitoring for ways we can make the email experience better.

Fall WiFi issues update 11/05/2020

Posted on Categories WiFi

What’s going on this week

We’re in a “watch and wait” mode now. We’re going to rely on feedback from students contacting the Tech Desk or using our WiFi reporting form to see if the experience is better. In the last week we’ve had 1 report using the WiFi reporting form. We’ve had a handful of students contact the Tech Desk in the past week and we’re following-up on those issues. Thanks for contacting us!

Since we don’t know exactly what the problem is we can’t check a specific metric or measurement to know if we’ve made an impact (recall we have little data from students so we’re making assumptions as to what may be the cause based on what we’ve heard from Gustavus and IT email lists).

What’s planned for next week

We’re still in a “watch and wait” mode.