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This week, Augsburg will celebrate the creativity and scholarship of students with the 3rd-annual Zyzzogeton academic festival. Events include presentations of student research, performances of "Top Girls," a concert of the Riverside Singers, and an all-student juried art exhibition. This year will also feature the first "Agre Shootout" and the second "Lutefisk vs. Lefse" debate.
The festival falls at the end of each academic year and is a culmination of achievement featuring work across divisions and departments. A "zyzzogeton" is a green leaf-hopper as well as the last word in the Webster Collegiate Dictionary, which is a fitting symbol to mark the end of the academic year. Augsburg's is the oldest festival of its kind in the country.
Randall Davidson, fine arts manager and Zyzzogeton coordinator, emphasized the interdisciplinary nature of the event. He said, "It is especially interesting to note that so many students are presenting their research in one department while getting a major in a different department. I think this is a remarkable demonstration of the intersections that take place in an Augsburg liberal arts education -- your passion for learning can take you across typical boundaries that exist between disciplines."
Zyzzogeton is sponsored by the Honors program, MBA, URGO, CTL, the Department of Fine Arts and the Office of the Dean.
Wednesday, April 16
3 p.m. -- Making Music History Fanfare, Lindell Library Atrium Performance of Eric Stokes' "The Greenhouse Effect" by music history classmates; sponsored by Associate Professor Klemp, Music Department.
3 - 5 p.m. -- Research Poster Presentations, East Commons, Christensen Center Undergraduate students present their research in disciplines including medieval studies, natural and social sciences, women's studies, history, literature, and international business. Full List of Poster Presenters >
3 - 5 p.m. -- Research-Based Oral Presentations, Various Locations, Christensen Center Undergraduate students present their research in disciplines including medieval studies, natural and social sciences, women's studies, history, literature, and international business. Full List of Oral Presenters >
5 p.m. -- Reading by Krystal Mattison (History, American Indian Studies, Global Peace), Tjornhom-Nelson Theater, Foss Center Reading entitled "History of My Blood: a semi-staged reading of an original play based on portraits of generations from a multi-racial family."
Thursday, April 17
High Noon -- Agre Shootout, Edor Nelson Athletic Field A rematch of this year's Agre Challenge, the Agre Shootout will feature teams of students hurling a three-pound weight 60 yards using whatever mechanical means possible. Each team will have three attempts to place the weight as close as possible to the target. The winning team will be awarded $300 and bragging rights. Non-winning teams will be awarded tchotchkes and a hearty handshake.
3:30 p.m. -- The Second Great Lutefisk vs. Lefse Debate, Marshall Room, Christensen Center, Professor Phil Adamo (Moderator) Is lutefisk better than lefse? Each member of the two debate teams will have 10 minutes to make their case using their field of expertise. A distinguished panel of judges who know "The Truth" will rate the arguments on punctuality, elocution, and veracity. Edible and inedible refreshments will be served.
Team Lutefisk: President Paul C. Pribbenow (Theology) and Professor Doug Green (English)
Team Lefse: Professsor Tracy Biebelnicks (Mathematics) and Mr. Emiliano Chagil (Hispanic-Latino Student Services, Theology)
7 p.m. -- "Top Girls," Tjornhom-Nelson Theater, Foss Center Directed by Darcie Engen '88, "Top Girls," written by Caryl Churchill, takes the audience to a dinner party where women of history discuss the political and personal sacrifices women have made throughout history. Ticket reservations at 612-330-1257.
7 p.m. -- Andrew Kane Recital, Sateren Auditorium, Music Building Voice music performance.
8:30 p.m. -- Annika Spargo Recital, Sateren Auditorium, Music Building Violin music performance.
Friday, April 18
Ongoing -- All-Student Juried Art Exhibition, Christensen Center Galleries Visit the Art Galleries web site for more information on this exhibition.
8 a.m. - 3 p.m. -- Music Therapy Vision Strength and Access (VSA) Day, Music Building Augsburg music therapy students in collaboration with the Minnesota Chapter of the American Music Therapy Association and VSA Minnesota will engage in music and art therapy with nearly 100 middle school students from local special-education programs.
4:30 p.m. -- Honors Convocation, Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center Recognition of Augsburg students' outstanding academic achievements
4:30 - 6:30 p.m. -- Student Art Reception and Awards Ceremony, Christensen Center A jury made up of Barbara Harman (printmaker, painter, book artist) and Andrea Blum (glass designer) reviewed 152 artworks submitted by 76 different student artists. Prizes for the best of show will be announced.
7 p.m. -- "Top Girls," Tjornhom-Nelson Theater, Foss Center
7:30 p.m. -- Riverside Singers, Mayflower United Church of Christ, 106 E. Diamond Lake Road, Minneapolis. Riverside Singers and the Angelica Cantanti Youth Choir will perform a joint concert under the direction of Nancy Grundahl. Ticket information at 612-824-0761.