News Archives - 2008
Young people celebrating peace
More than 600 students in Grades 1 - 12 will come to Augsburg
College on March 6 to participate in the 13th Annual Nobel Peace Prize
Festival. This year the Festival will honor the 2006 Laureates Muhammad
Yunus and the Grameen Bank (Bangladesh).
Students from all around the Twin Cities will fill up Si Melby Hall with sounds and sights of peace. The Festival, held annually at Augsburg College, was designed to teach young people about the Nobel Peace Prize and its influence on world peace. As part of the “Adopt-a-Laureate†portion of the Festival, each school chooses a Nobel Peace Prize recipient and studies the life and accomplishments of their peacemaker or organization. Students then share their knowledge through displays, dramatic performances, music and dance.
The Nobel Peace Prize Festival is an expansion of the Nobel Peace Prize Forum, an annual event affiliated with the Norwegian Nobel Institute in Oslo, Norway.
To learn more about this year's Peace Prize Festival, visit: