News Archives - 2003
Practicing nursing theory in a unique environment
From taking blood pressure, suggesting a healthy diet, handing out soap, shampoo, and socks to just taking a few minutes to listen, nursing students at Augsburg College soon come to realize that they can make a difference in someone’s life.
The place where all this happens is the Augsburg Central Nursing Center, located in Central Lutheran Church in downtown Minneapolis. The Nursing Center, which is open to people from the community of Minneapolis and the congregation of Central Lutheran Church, offers them an opportunity to meet with a nurse, discuss their health concerns and get linked to other resources if needed.
To nursing students at Augsburg College it offers a unique opportunity to learn about the needs and strengths of not only homeless people, but people in poverty who are often invisible in society and marginalized in heath care. The Nursing Center is a different clinical site where students can experience and practice nursing theory, and see what a difference nursing in itself can make. They see the opportunity to work at the Center as a very valuable addition to their education.
Eric Eggler, second year nursing student, said his experiences working at the Augsburg Central Nursing Center have made him a better nurse. “I have a better understanding of life and how much I, as an individual, can do to change things for others.â€
The Center, based on a nursing model, teaches health promotion, and helps people take control of their own lives.
Dr. Bev Nilsson, retired chair of the Augsburg Nursing Department and one of the founders of the Nursing Center, said she hopes the students come away with a heightened appreciation for nursing, that different nursing practices can make a difference in people’s lives, and that you don’t always need a pill to heal.
“I also hope the students come away with a greater appreciation and understanding for what it takes to survive on the streets and live in poverty, and that these people also have hopes, dreams and fears.â€