Internet Maintenance – Overnight 6/26-6/27

One of our redundant Internet Service Providers will be performing emergency maintenance on Internet fiber circuits.

During this time, there will be two brief 2-5 minute period where some internet traffic may reroute to secondary internet providers.

Maintenance Window:
6/26/2019 – 6/27/2019
10:00pm – 5:00am

Estimated Downtime within Maint. Window:
Internet Traffic: two separate 2-5 minutes windows while internet traffic reroutes to redundant providers.
If on campus, you may see a short 2-5 minute disruption in your ability to get to some web sites or streaming services.
If off campus, you may experience a short 2-5 minute disruption in your ability to get to some Augsburg services.

If you have questions, contact the TechDesk, your LFC, or Matt Schornstein, Associate Director IT Systems

Gmail Confidential Mode

Posted on Categories Google
In late June Google will be releasing “confidential mode” in Gmail. Here’s a few key things to keep in mind
  • this only prevents accidental sharing of an email, people can still take a picture or screen shot of the content or attachments
  • this feature is meant to protect personal or sensitive information but not regulated or legally governed data
  • any regulated data (SSNs, credit card numbers, bank information) should still never be sent via email. When in doubt consult the Data Classification Policy and the Regulated Data Storage Chart.
More detail is found here