Tuesday, October 29, 2013
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Open Moodle Labs

Do you need some help

building/editing your hybrid course Moodle site?

planning the online components of your hybrid course?

creating engaging forum discussion assignments?

devising relevant online assignments?

thinking through course management issues?

diversifying and expanding your Moodle course content?

Come to an Open Moodle Lab for individualized help. Open Labs will be held Wed. from 9-10:30 a.m. and Thurs. 1:00-2:30 p.m. in OGC 103.

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General Announcements

Food Service Feedback Forum

Stop by the East Commons from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. on Thursday, October 31, for the Food Service Feedback Forum and share your feedback with Dining Services. Stop by for coffee and cookies and let us know how we are doing. This meeting will be held near the end of every month and if you cannot make it you can always email your concerns to jahrens@aviands.com

Hope to see you there.

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Become a 2014 Orientation Leader

Would you like to:

Gain valuable leadership experience?
Receive first-rate training?
Get involved at Augsburg?
Meet new people?

If you answered yes to any of the following questions, you should apply to be a 2014 Orientation Leader today! You can find the application here:


Applications are due on Tuesday, November 12 and must be turned in to Joanne K. Reeck-Irby in room 1B in the basement of Christensen Center.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Cuong Nguyen or Laurel Rohloff in CAO at orientat@augsburg.edu or 612-330-1100

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General Election - Tues., Nov. 5

Minnesota general elections will be held Tues., Nov. 5. Students who live on campus may vote in the local precinct elections because we provided a list of resident students to the City of Minneapolis Election Board.

The precinct location for resident students is at Augsburg.

For more information, visit the Minnesota Secretary of State website.

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Swab a Cheek, Save a Life

Augsburg Baseball Team invites you to their 3rd Annual Swab a Cheek, Save a Life!

We're joining forces again with Be The Match (the national marrow donor program) to help save more lives! One of our baseball coaches, Troy Deden, received his life-saving marrow donor match from Be The Match several years ago which helped him survive his diagnosis with blood cancer.

As a way of saying “thank you” to Be The Match for saving Troy's life, our baseball team wants to help add more potential life-saving donors to the national marrow registry.

Please come to our 3rd annual marrow registry drives to join the registry!

• Wed., Oct 30 and Thurs., Oct. 31
• Both days: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Christensen Center lobby area and then 2 p.m.-6 p.m. at Kennedy Center athletic building (follow the signs)

All it takes to join the registry is 15-20 minutes of your time with a simple registration form and painless cheek swab. It's that simple. And it's free!

After you join the registry, then what? Well, you wait and hope that someday you get the call from Be The Match that you are a marrow donor match for a patient like Troy. In other words, you may never get that call and be asked to donate.

Did you know that the most common way of donating marrow now to a patient, should you ever get the call that you are a match, is now a procedure very similar to donating blood, plasma and platelets. Wow!

Sign up here http://www.volunteersignup.org/AY7T7 to say you'll stop by to check us out and possibly join the registry. (Think of it kind of like a sign-up sheet you see for blood drives. Walk-ins always welcomed!)

Please join us on Oct. 30 and 31 and help us reach our goal of adding 140 new donors to the registry. (If you joined already, no need to join again. You're on the registry. Thanks for being on it and we hope you get the call soon.)

If you have any questions, please contact: Troy Deden at deden@augsburg.edu or Kristine Reed from Be The Match at kreed2@nmdp.org or text her at 612-616-6534.

Thank you for helping us continue our tradition of helping Be The Match help save the lives of more patients. Together we can make a difference!

~Augsburg Baseball Team

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Career Quick Stop - This Week

The Strommen Center for Meaningful Work has Career Quick Stop every
Wednesday from 9:30-11:00 a.m. and Thursdays from 2:30-4:00 p.m. Stop by the
Strommen Center, Christensen Center, Suite 100

These walk-in hours are meant for quick career questions and short resume reviews. Appointments will be limited to 15 minutes and students will be seen on a first-come, first-served basis.

Questions: 612-330-1148

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Commute Survey - Try Again

Unfortunately, the link to the on-line Commute Survey provided in previous A-Mail notices was for a test survey and, as a result, none of the data entered was captured by Metro Transit. So, if you are so inclined, please take a few minutes to take it again (or take it for the first time!). The correct link to the survey is:


Augsburg College is part of the Central Corridor Anchor Partnership, a group of healthcare and higher education institutions working together to ensure that the new Green Line LRT creates opportunity for those who live and work in the area. The Anchor Partnership and Metro Transit are conducting this survey of staff, students and faculty in advance of the METRO Green Line opening next year. Information gathered will be used to guide sustainable transportation planning and commuter programming around Augsburg.

The Commute Survey will be open through Nov. 15. It takes about 5 minutes to complete. Participants who provide a valid email address or phone number will be entered into the drawing for a $50 Target gift card. The winner will be announced November 20.

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Apply for a Christensen Vocation Internship

Attention current sophomores and juniors: Are you energized about the idea of being called to serve your neighbors? Curious about how your talents and gifts can inform your career decision making? Interested in exploring purpose, meaning, and vocation in a practical way? Looking for a paid work/internship experience for Spring 2014?

If so, we invite you to consider applying to be a Christensen Intern for spring semester. Christensen Interns will explore connections between purpose, meaning, and careers while interning at a local faith-based nonprofit organization and participating in bi-weekly seminars. More information is available through the Christensen Center for Vocation's website: http://www.augsburg.edu/ccv/christensen-interns/

Specific internship positions are available on AugPost, the Strommen Center's online job search website https://augsburg-csm.symplicity.com/students/

Application deadline is Friday, November 8.

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Congratulations to Professor Nancy Fischer

Sociology professor Nancy Fischer's guest editorship for The Sociological Quarterly, as well as her piece "Seeing 'Straight,' Contemporary Critical Heterosexuality Studies and Sociology" has just been published and is available in electronic and hard-copy form. Congratulations, Nancy!

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Register Now - Dinner with alumni

Register at www.augsburg.edu/strommen to attend the Business Etiquette Dinner on November 20 from 6-8 p.m. in the Marshall Room, Christensen Center. Learn basic etiquette skills to help you make a great first impression and land a job or internship. Registered students will have the opportunity to network with alumni, enjoy dinner and gather tips from Deenna Latus, Certified Etiquette Consultant. Cost: $10

Sponsored by: Augsburg Business Organization and the Strommen Center for Meaningful Work.

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Support Bonner Leaders on November 14

Support the Augsburg Bonner Leaders Program on Give to the Max Day, November 14. The Bonner Leaders Program is a work study program focused on leadership development for students who are dedicated to integrating community and civic engagement into their college learning experience. Save the date and go online on November 14 to make your gift! Check us out at givemn.org/Bonner-Leaders-Program and learn more about how you can make a difference!

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Event Announcements

Diversity and Inclusion Committee Meeting

The Diversity and Inclusion committee meets Thurs., Oct. 31, 2-3 p.m. in OGC 100. The topic is a campus climate survey - what are the important questions to ask?

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Farewell to Tammy McGee

Please stop by the Foss Atrium after chapel on Wednesday, October 30, to join faculty and staff colleagues in saying farewell to Tammy McGee as she leaves the College to become Chief Financial Officer at her alma mater, St. Cloud State University.

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Cuban Filmmaker Here on Thursday, Oct. 31

Cuban filmmaker, Consuelo Elba Alvarez, is in the United States this week and will be coming to Augsburg this Thursday (October 31) at 3 p.m. in the Marshall Room, Christensen Center.

Consuelo Elba Álvarez is a Cuban filmmaker, producer and director for Cuban TV. Her works include Mujeres de la Guerrilla (“Women of the Rebel Army”). Consuelo will discuss her documentary-in-progress about women in the underground.

Sponsored by ALAS (Augsburg Latin American Students)

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All Saints Day Chapel Service, November 1

We invite you to a special chapel on Friday, November 1, at 10:40 a.m. when the Augsburg Community celebrates All Saints Day. On this festival day we remember with thanksgiving those who have died this past year.

During the worship service, the names of those who have gone before us will be sung during the "Litany of the Saints." The custom of commemorating all of the saints of the church on a single day goes back at least to the third century. All Saint's Day celebrates the people of God, living and dead, who make up the body of Christ. On this day, together with congregations throughout the world, we remember the faithful who have died this past year.

You may send the names of those people in your life who have died and who you would like to be named and remembered during chapel to Amy Hanson in the Campus Ministry Office at hansona2@augsburg.edu. Please also include the relationship of the person to you (only the names of the deceased will be sung). Information sheets will also be available during chapel. Please submit names by Thursday, October 31.

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Center for Teaching and Learning Theatre Night

Center for Teaching and Learning Faculty and Staff Theater Night
$5 reduced tickets, refreshments served, and talkback after the show with director and translator
25 seats available for the reduced ticket pricing so reserve your tickets early
Saturday, November 2 at 7:00 p.m.
The House of Bernarda Alba

By Federico García Lorca
Translation by Michael Kidd
Directed by Dario Tangelson

A highly physical take on Lorca's last play, The House of Bernarda Alba depicts the life of an affluent family in 1930's Spain. Forced by Bernarda, the tyrannical matriarch, into an eight-year mourning period after the death of her husband, the Alba sisters see all of their dreams and deepest desires smothered by their despotic mother's rule. Kept in the house and cut off from the outside world, the sisters live in an asphyxiating atmosphere that drives them against each other in an inevitable path to tragedy.

Tjornhom-Nelson Theater, Foss Center
Make reservations at http://www.augsburg.edu/theater/reservations/ and please indicate you are faculty or staff.

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Chapel Series October 28-31: The Reformation

Our chapel series, "The Reformation Between Toleration and Commitment" continues through Thursday, October 31. Each day a different professor from the Religion Department is preaching during our daily chapel service.

Tuesday at 11:30 a.m.: Dr. Lori Brandt Hale, "Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Questionof the Other"
Wednesday at 10:40 a.m.: Dr. Mark Tranvik, "Can We Tolerate Luther?"
Thursday at 11:30 a.m.: Dr. Hans Wiersma, "Giving the Devil His Due"

Please join us for this intriguing series. Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center.

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Tomorrow: SciTechsperience - Paid STEM Internships

On Wednesday, October 30, Becky Siekmeier of the Minnesota High Tech Association (MHTA) will give a brief presentation, "Paid Internships in STEM, Hands-on opportunities in Minnesota Business," and answer questions about the SciTechsperience program.

This paid internship program connects talented college students in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) disciplines to rewarding hands-on opportunities in dynamic Minnesota businesses.

Eligible Students Must Be:
• A Minnesota resident or attending college in Minnesota and at least 18 years of age
• In good academic standing (2.5+ GPA)
• A college junior or senior (60 credits completed)
• Enrolled in an accredited U.S. college and pursuing a qualifying science, technology,
engineering or math degree

There will be three opportunities to learn about SciTechSperience:

2:30-3:00 Drop-in Meet & Greet for Faculty and Staff (Science 154)
3:40-4:10 Presentation in Chemistry Seminar (Science 315)
4:30-5:15 Presentation in Mathematics Colloquium* (Old Main 105)
*Open to all interested students, faculty or staff

See http://www.augsburg.edu/stem/ for more information on SciTechsperience.
Questions? E-mail Rebekah Dupont at dupont@augsburg.edu.

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Fall Blood Drive Wednesday, Oct. 30

Memorial Blood Center staff will be on campus on Wednesday 10/30/13 for the annual fall blood drive from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. in the East Commons of Christensen Center. There are a limited number of donation times available later in the day if you want to sign up before tomorrow for a specific time. Please go to www.mbc.org/donors and enter sponsor code 0027 to sign up. There you will find the available times for tomorrow's blood drive. If you do not want to sign up online please feel free to call the CCHP office at 612-330-1707 and we can get a time for you as well.

If you have already signed up, thank you and remember to eat a good breakfast or lunch, drink a lot of water and bring a photo ID to the blood drive. Walk-ins are always welcome as well so feel free to stop by even if you don't have an appointment.

Any questions, please call the CCHP office at 612-330-1707. Help save lives Auggies -- donate blood tomorrow!

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Open House TODAY

Please stop by Oren Gateway 106 this afternoon for the Christensen Center for Vocation Open House. Connect with our staff, learn about resources and upcoming opportunities, take advantage of a book giveaway, and enjoy refreshments.

The Open House runs from 3:00-4:30 p.m., with brief remarks at 3:45 p.m. Come and go as you are able. All are welcome.

Note that we are located on the first floor of Oren Gateway, just south of the art gallery.

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Keeping Track of Auggies

McNair Scholar Awarded PhD and Mellon Fellowship

Steven Williams '02, elementary education with social studies concentration, McNair Scholars Program graduate, is now a visiting assistant professor/Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Comparative American Studies/Native American and Indigenous Studies at Oberlin College in Ohio. The two-year position is supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities.

As a McNair Scholar, Steve conducted research under the mentorship of Lynn Lindow in Augsburg's Education Department focused on designing a pedagogy for teaching Native American students. A WEC student, Steve credits the McNair Program for giving him an opportunity to meet people he would not have met and for providing him the vision and the skills that helped him grow as a scholar. Prior to joining McNair, Steve had not considered graduate school.

After Augsburg, Steve went on to The University of Iowa to earn his PhD in American Studies. His dissertation, "Cultural Authority and Revitalization in Rocky Boy Chippewa/Cree History," looks into the complex interracial an intercultural interactions that occurred in the 19th and 20th century between residents of the reservations and non-Indian researchers who wrote the historical narratives of the reservation.

Currently Steve is teaching a course entitled "Surviving American: Introduction to Native and Indigenous Studies." As a McNair Scholar from the first grant cycle, Steve was always openly generous about teaching us about his Kiowa culture, even hosting Sweat Lodge ceremonies for his fellow McNair Scholars. We are grateful for his teachings.

Congratulations Steve!

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Religion Professor Published

Professor Bev Stratton's essay, "Consider, Take Counsel, and Speak: Remembering Women in Joshua and Judges," has been published by Sheffield Phoenix Press in a new book entitled Feminist Interpretation of the Hebrew Bible in Retrospect. According to the publisher's web page, this book "is the first of a set of three volumes reviewing the progress of feminist Hebrew Bible scholarship over the last 40 years. In it, 14 essayists focus on the feminist work on each of the biblical books." Congratulations, Bev!

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Auggie Athletics

Auggie Volleyball Plays for MIAC Championship

The Augsburg Women's Volleyball Team will be playing for the MIAC Championship title this Wednesday, October 30 at Concordia, Moorhead. Augsburg Athletics is providing a FREE fan bus (A 55-passenger coach) which will leave at 3:00 p.m. from Si Melby and return immediately following the game. All students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to attend. First come, first served. Please sign up by noon on Tuesday in the Athletics office, or by contacting Melodie Lane at ext. 1249, or by emailing her at lanem@augsburg.edu

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Nursery Attendant Needed at Holy Trinity Lutheran

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church (2730 E 31st Street, Minneapolis, htlcmpls.org) is now accepting applications for a paid position in the congregation's nursery, which cares for children up to age six. The nursery attendant would work every other Sunday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. S/he would also have occasional opportunities to work on weekday evenings, schedule permitting. If you love children and would like to earn $15.00/hour in a healthy working environment, please send your resume to vmann@htlcmpls.org or call the church office at 612.729.8358 for more information.

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Estate Sale- Augsburg Associates - Nov. 1-2

2563 N. Hamline, Roseville, between County #B2 and County #C

Sale: Friday, November 1, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Numbers given out at 8:00 a.m.
Sale: Saturday, November 2, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Unique and quality furniture and furnishings
Note: owner previously operated a greenhouse and flower shop.
Other items for sale include: Tools, cookware/utensils, china/pottery, Grandfather and Grandmother clocks, jewelry, assorted glassware, kitchen and bath linens, men's and women's clothing, Singer sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, mirrors, Conn organ, luggage, and much, much more. Multiples available of many items.

Please come out and support the work of the Augsburg Associates. All proceeds support scholarships for Augsburg students.

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