Thursday, July 18, 2013
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

New Building Hours and Fob/Card Access Improvements

The following information is available in PDF form at:

New Building Hours and Card Access Improvements
*These changes are part of our on-going review of our Campus Emergency Procedures & Preparedness Plans.

Throughout the next few months, you will notice changes to the way in which you are able to access campus buildings. Public Safety will be designating main entrances to campus buildings and with the help of Facilities Management providing focused lighting as well as surveillance cameras on these areas. This will assist us in creating safer spaces for the Augsburg Community. In addition to our focused security efforts, we have installed card access on main building entrances. Card access has been recently installed in areas of Christensen Center, Old Main, Music, Foss, Sverdrup, and the Ice Arena. Public Safety will begin to lock the academic building entrances after normal peak business hours. Students, Faculty, and Staff will continue to have access to buildings throughout the evenings using a "fob." This allows easier access to Faculty, Staff, and Students during non-peak hours when the buildings may have fewer classes or events happening within. Many in our campus community already use a fob to access their residence hall, the fitness center, or other secured areas on campus. The fob is simply swiped at an access reader and the door momentarily unlocks, allowing for access. The benefits of this system are two-fold:

• Augsburg students, faculty, and staff can gain entry to the facilities in which they need to do their work.
• The entrance will be well lit and frequently used; safer for those coming and going in the quieter hours.

Augsburg Students, Staff, and Faculty who do not currently have an access fob may request one at Access to restricted areas within a dept. must be requested by the Key authorizer for the area. A list of authorizers can be found online. Access to general community spaces such as the fitness center can be requested by any faculty, staff, or student. Please allow at least two business days for us to process the request. Once you have received a confirmation e-mail that the request has been fulfilled, your fob can then be picked up at the Public Safety Dispatch desk in the Urness/Mortensen lobby with your photo ID. We appreciate your assistance in these changes. Please let us know if you have questions or concerns.

• Now- August 16th. Those who do not currently have a fob or access card, should request one through the online request form at
• August 16th- Sept. 3rd. Communication regarding specific building hours will be sent via campus email and A-Mail. New campus building hours will take effect.

*The Christensen Center and the Lindell Library will continue to be open until the building closes, rather than having limited access after business hours. These buildings will continue to be public buildings, open and available to our surrounding community to use.

What about event groups using our campus? Event groups who have scheduled to use our building space after business hours can continue to do so. Those being sponsored by an on campus person, dept., or group should meet their attendees at the entrance of the building to welcome them in. External groups, not sponsored by an on campus person, dept., or group can access the building by calling Public Safety.

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Teaching and Learning

Last Few Weeks To Use The Writing Lab This Summer

There are only a few weeks remaining for summer session students and student researchers to take advantage of the Writing Lab. Tutors in the Writing Lab will continue through SS II, ending on August 8. Because of a reduction in library hours, the WL schedule had to be adjusted slightly. These are the hours for July 8 - August 8:

July 8 - August 8: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays between 4:30 - 7:00 p.m. (NOTE THIS CHANGE).

The Lab is located on the street level of Lindell Library, just left of the circulation desk. Tutors are available to help any Augsburg student with any writing assignment.

Questions? Contact K. Swanson, English.

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Integrated Course Design Workshop

All faculty are invited to participate in a workshop designed to enhance your instructional design skills and discover ways to incorporate online learning in your courses. It is particularly critical for Augsburg for Adults and graduate faculty who are creating "hybrid" courses for 2013-14.

The Integrated Course Design for Hybrid Learning is a hands-on workshop that introduces Augsburg's Moodle Template for developing your course in accordance with GAAC/AAC requirements and a Course Design Support site to provide additional detail and examples for Moodle applications. In this workshop, you will explore Fink's model for course design, which integrates situational factors, learning goals, learning activities, and assessment. We will also address how to choose face-to-face and online activities to create an engaging learning experience, provide direct instruction, and facilitate active, collaborative learning. Workshops will be held on:

9-12 a.m., Thursday, July 25, OGC 100
9-12 a.m., Thursday, August 8, OGC 100


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Moodle Huddle Workshops Begin Next Week

Moodle Huddle 2013
Strengthen Your Moodle Muscles!

To help you gear up for the 2013-2014 academic year, your IT User Support Team offers its Moodle Huddle workshop series for all Augsburg faculty and staff. Eighteen 20-minute sessions will be held in Sverdrup Hall, 2nd floor from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. each of the following days:

July 23, 24, 25
August 6, 7, 8
August 20, 21, 22

View the full Moodle Huddle 2013 schedule at

Each unique session targets specific features, workflows, or strategies to best implement your goals in moodle. No RSVP is required. All are welcome to attend topics that fit your needs or schedule. Come for a few sessions or attend multiple days to get all 18! Refreshments provided.

Questions? Contact Eric Strom at

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General Announcements

On-Line Copy Request Form

The copy center requests that all copy/print jobs be submitted through the online order form. This form is important in printing your jobs correctly and efficiently.

You can locate the form on Inside Augsburg> A to Z Directory> Central Services> On-line ordering> Copy Request Form.

This form will ensure ALL pertinent information is captured, including name, telephone number, cost center, due date, # of copies, paper type, finishing options, etc. The copy job cannot be started until the necessary information is received. This will also help the staff reduce printing errors and minimize the amount of contact needed in order to correctly print your job and complete it on time.

If you have any questions or need assistance with the online order form, please do not hesitate to call the copy center at x1054.

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New Associate College Pastor

Justin Lind-Ayres has been called as the Associate College Pastor at Augsburg and will work alongside College Pastor and Director of Ministries Sonja Hagander.

Pastor Justin has been serving in parish ministry for 10 years, most recently across the street (I-94) from Augsburg at Bethany Lutheran Church on E. Franklin in Minneapolis. He studied religion as an undergraduate at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN and received his Master of Divinity from Luther Seminary in St. Paul.

In 2012, Justin received his Doctor of Ministry from Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia where he studied the power of biblical metaphor in worship and preaching. Justin is married to Melanie who lives out her vocation as a pediatrician for Park Nicollet. They stay busy chasing their two young daughters around, Anya and Svea. Justin begins serving the campus community on August 19. Please welcome him! The community will formally celebrate his call here with a Service of Installation this fall.

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Event Announcements

Ice Cream Social with CGE-Augsburg Int'l Staff

Four internationally-based Augsburg College (Center for Global Education) staff/faculty will be in Minneapolis this summer.

CGE invites you to meet, greet, and reunite with:
Cesar Acevedo (Program Coordinator - El Salvador)
Mark Lester (Co-Site Director - Central America, based in Nicaragua)
Ann Lutterman-Aguilar (Site Director, Faculty - Mexico)
Romanus Shivoro (Site Director, Faculty - Southern Africa)

Join us for good conversation cream!

When: Thursday, July 25, 4-6 p.m.
Where: East Commons
Each of the above individuals will provide a brief update on Augsburg College programs in their countries/regions at 5 p.m.

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Farmers Market Starts Tuesday

West Bank Farmers Markets

Augsburg Foss Chapel - 11-1 p.m.
Brian Coyle Community Center - 2-5 p.m.

It's finally happening - After weeks of delays due to a cold, wet spring, the West Bank Farmers Markets is set to start next Tuesday, July 23. Normally we start the first Tuesday of July but we have had to find new farmers and wait until our previous ones were ready to start.

This year to start, we're welcoming back See and Shoua Vang's family and Campus Kitchen will sell oils, honeys, breads, and some new local products. We are excited to introduce a new family who will sell with us - Maly and Malia Thao, second year Auggies, and their family. They already have tomatoes to sell (normally not big news in July but especially exciting this year).

If you have any questions or ideas before we start, please let us know, and we look forward to seeing you at the market soon!

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Free Film Screening: Race and Justice in the USA?

The Central Park Five, Thursday, July 25
Capri Theater, 2027 W. Broadway, Minneapolis, MN 55411
Doors open at 5:30, film at 6:00, discussion afterwards
Donations are welcome!

The Central Park Five, directed and produced by Ken Burns, David McMahon and Sarah Burns, tells the story of the five black and Latino teenagers from Harlem who were wrongly convicted of raping a white woman in New York City's Central Park in 1989. The film chronicles The Central Park Jogger case, for the first time from the perspective of these five teenagers whose lives were upended by this miscarriage of justice.

This screening is a part of Refocus the Frame: Turning the Lens on Race and Racism, a series of powerful film screenings followed by facilitated discussion to stimulate insight and thoughtful dialogue. The films are free and all are welcome! Next film is Saving Face (2004) directed by Alice Wu, on September 26.

Invite your friends and family.

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Keeping Track of Auggies

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Auggie Athletics

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