Tuesday, June 4, 2013
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Trans Cultural Competence in Health Care

My name is Emerson Ball and I am an undergraduate student conducting research through the Undergraduate Research and Graduate Opportunity grant program at Augsburg College with the mentorship of Alex Iantaffi, Assistant Professor at University of Minnesota. I am conducting several focus groups on the cultural competence of current and aspiring health care providers in working with transgender patients as well as the experiences of transgender individuals within health care. Please see the request below and pass along, thank you for your consideration.

Transgender identified individuals:
I am currently conducting a study regarding current and aspiring health care providers' cultural competence in working with transgender patients and the successes and gaps within that.
You may be eligible to participate if: you are eighteen years or older, you live in the United States or its territories, and you identify as transgender.
If you are interested in participating, you will be asked to participate in a focus group discussing your experiences in your care received from health care providers as well as your personal definitions of cultural competence. It will take approximately 90 minutes, one time only on June 13th, 5 p.m.-6:30 p.m. on the 2nd floor of Christiansen in the Cedar room at Augsburg College.
If you are interested, please respond to transhealthcarestudy@gmail.com or call Emerson Ball at (612) 626-3601 for further information.
Refreshments will be provided during the focus group.
This study, protocol number 2013-37-3, has been approved by Augsburg College's Institutional Review Board. If you have any concerns about your rights as a participant please email irb@augsburg.edu.

Thank you for your consideration,

Emerson Ball
Undergraduate student
Augsburg College
Social Work

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Diane Pike Delivers Keynote Address in New Orleans

Diane Pike, Professor of Sociology, delivered the Plenary Keynote Address on June 1 to a group of 900 faculty gathered in New Orleans for the Teaching Professor Annual Conference, sponsored by Magna Communications. Her keynote address was entitled "Dead Ideas and Other Tyrannies that Limit Teaching and Learning".

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General Announcements

Changes to Inside Augsburg Home Page

In the coming days you will notice some changes to the Inside Augsburg home page, most notably a new, consolidated feed of social media and news posts. The update will allow more timely news posts to be shared with the community as well as current social media comments about alumni and student experiences. You can see a preview here: http://web.augsburg.edu/marcomm/inside-augsburg.png

If you have questions about the updates, please contact me at x1157 or mannj@augsburg.edu

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Event Announcements

Photos From The Greenway

Spring semester students enrolled in Community Based Photography partnered with the Midtown Greenway Coalition to document the landscape, users, activities, and areas surrounding the Midtown Greenway. The project culminated with Photos From The Greenway an exhibition of 30 black and white photographs currently on display through June 30, 2013 at the Midtown Greenway Coalition office.

A reception will be held at the Coalition office on June 22, 2013 from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Students from the class will be present to talk about their work and experiences. Please stop by meet the students and view their work. The reception also coincides with the Greenway Glow, an evening art festival that presents art work/projects along the Greenway from 6:00 p.m. – 12:00 midnight. http://midtowngreenway.org/projects-and-programs/greenway-glow/

The Midtown Greenway Coalition office is located at 2834 10th Avenue South; Greenway Level,
Suite 2, Minneapolis, MN. 55407

Further information can be provided by Susan Boecher boecher@augsburg.edu

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Keeping Track of Auggies

Damaris Montoya--Scholarship to Study in Turkey

Damaris Montoya, International Relations Major, was the Turkish Coalition of America's 300th scholarship recipient to support her studies in Turkey this summer.

The TCA awards up to 100 scholarships per calendar year to Armenian American students (in addition to our scholarships for African American, Hispanic American and Native American students) who wish to study abroad in Turkey.


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Auggie Athletics

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Do You Want To Be In A Movie?

Casting call for a short narrative film

Betrayal: A coming of age story that centers on two adolescents from different cultures, Amina and Tayo.

The sixteen-year-old Amina is temporarily without a home and is resigned to stay with her step-aunt in a small town on an Indian reservation where she befriends Tayo, a mixed blood Native boy. During the course of summer, she comes of age, deciding to be on her own.

Seeking: Amina: Female, African, 15-18, intelligent, attractive, reserved but no push-over, sees more than she lets on, who plays an African girl whose mother chooses to leave her to live with her deported father. Just starting to establish her identity as an "adult."

Seeking: Tayo: Male, Native American, or ethnically ambiguous/mixed, 17-18, streetwise but charming has the nice lean body of a runner, quick and smart who plays a mixed blood torn between his Native and Mexican duel heritage. Character may require to have a colored mohawk haircut.


RSVP by sending head shot & resume or summary of experience to director: jn@jilanikpay.com You will be asked to read from the director's screenplay.

Time commitment: Two days of shoot and two or three days of rehearsal.
Compensation: Stipend negotiable depending on experience or a DVD of the segment of film shot in June with credits of cast and crew. (this is a segment for fundraising). Food provided (shooting location near Red Wing)

Shooting schedule: June 17 (Monday)

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