Wednesday, May 8, 2013
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

May and Summer in the Writing Lab

Yes, the Writing Lab will maintain hours during May and summer for all WEC, grad, and summer students. The Lab is located on the street level of Lindell Library, just left of the circulation desk. Tutors will be available to help students with any writing assignment at these times:

May 6 - June 28: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays between 5 - 7:30 p.m.

July 8 - August 8: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays between 5 - 7:30 p.m.

Questions? Contact K. Swanson, English.

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May Teaching and Learning Calendar

May 8-9, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Kennedy 305 - Writing Across the Curriculum

May 13, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Marshall Room – Major Assessment Workshop

May 14-16, Dunrovin Retreat Center – Jessica Nathanson Scholarly Writing Retreat (registration now closed, although we can add you to a waitlist)

May 15, 9 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., Marshall Room – Department Chairs/Program Directors Workshop

May 16, 9a.m. – 2 p.m., East Commons – Graduation Skills Assessment

May 20, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Lindell 301 – AugSem Training Session

May 21, 8 - 11:30 a.m., Riverside Room – CTL Portfolio Workshop

May 22-23, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Hoversten Chapel and OGC Classrooms – Creating an Inclusive Campus Conference (all faculty and staff are encouraged to attend)

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CTL Portfolio Workshop

CTL Portfolio Workshop
Tuesday, May 21, 8-11:30 a.m.
Location: Riverside Room, Christensen Center
Facilitators: Diane Pike and Su Doree
rsvp to

The purpose of this workshop is to help candidates for any type of tenure and promotion review to determine the various forms of evidence that can help build a strong portfolio. The focus is on evidence of teaching, but the strategies directly apply to scholarship and service as well. This workshop is not designed to replace departmental guidance and advice nor is it an analysis of the Faculty Handbook language as it applies to an individual. Following the workshop, participants are encouraged to form groups to review each other’s portfolio materials and provide feedback and support. This workshop is sponsored by CTL, not CTP.

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General Announcements

Open Forums for VP of Enrollment Today

Open forums with the second finalist for the Vice President of Enrollment Management will be held today.

The session is today, Wednesday, May 8, 2:15 to 3:15 p.m. in the Marshall Room. The resume for this candidate is posted on a Moodle site labeled "Vice President of Enrollment Management Search."

To access the Moodle site, log into Moodle community and scroll down to the very bottom of the landing page where to see a list of all community site categories. When you click on "Vice President of Enrollment Management Search," you will only see only one "course," with the same name. When you click on the course, you will be asked if you want to self enroll. Once you do, the Moodle site will show up in your list when they log into Moodle community going forward.

The link to an anonymous survey for your feedback about the first candidate will be posted in A-mail tomorrow. The remaining two open forums this week are:

The final candidate open forum will be: Friday, May 10, 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.

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Vice President Enrollment Management: Survey

Please take moment to provide your feedback on the first two candidates for the Vice President for Enrollment Management.

Candidate 1:
survey closes at 5:00 pm today

Candidate 2:
survey opens at 3:00 pm today and closes at 5:00 pm on Thursday, May 9, 2013.

You can also connect to the survey through a link on the Vice President of Enrollment Management Search Moodle site. The Survey will open at 3 p.m. today and will close at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, May 8.

Thank you.

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Congratulations and Thank You

Congratulations to Jen Nagorski and Lori York, staff Auggie Pride program recipients for April. We appreciate the work you do for the College.

And on behalf of Staff Senate, thanks to all who were able to take time out for the Spring Social yesterday afternoon. Good weather, good food, and good company made this event a success!

Special thanks again to the President's Office, Events, A'viands, Facilities, and all our gift card donors for your work and contributions in helping make this event special.

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Event Announcements

Orv Gingerich Retirement Party -- 2-4 p.m., Tuesday, May 14

Join the Augsburg Community in celebrating Orv's contributions to the College in his 13 years as AVP of International Programs and Executive Director of the Center for Global Education.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013
2-4 p.m. (program starts at 2:30)
OGC 100

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May Calendar 2013

Dear colleagues,
Use this link to view the May Calendar of workshops and meetings.

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Assessment Workshop Information May 13 and May 16

Monday, May 13: Major Assessment Workshop, 9am Marshall Room
Attendance: Full time faculty

The focus of this workshop is facilitating department planning around the campus-wide assessment day, scheduled for Tuesday, February 25, 2014. Departments will begin to plan their major assessment activities for the upcoming year, including refining the focus of department assessment, discussing methodology, and department outcomes.

The workshop will open with 90 minutes of presentations on potential assessment projects and time for questions about the campus-wide assessment day. The rest of the day is for departments to work through their assessment plans.

Materials to be handed out include a timeline for department assessment in 2013-14 and planning resources.

Thursday, May 16: Grad Skills Assessment Workshop, 9 am-12 p.m., E. Commons
Attendance: 2-3 full time faculty from each department/program.

At the Grad Skills Assessment Workshop, faculty will have an opportunity to see the assessment data collected this year and participate in developing a collective understanding of what it means.

Data is posted in the Academic Affairs Org public folder in a folder called "May 2013 Grad Skill Workshop." Please bring your laptop if you have one.

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RSVP for the Faculty Workshop on Grantseeking!

Don't forget to RSVP for the Faculty Workshop on External Grantseeking!

External Grants at Augsburg: Tools to Enhance Your Scholarly Career

Friday, May 17, 2013
9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Oren Gateway Center 100

Please join us for a workshop on how to utilize external grants to achieve career goals, enhance student learning and engagement, and advance the work and reputation of the College. All faculty are welcome to attend; new faculty are encouraged!

Scheduled Events:
Guest Speaker
The Ever-Changing Sea of Federal Funding: Hints for Faculty at Smaller Universities and Colleges. | Michael Ceballos, PhD, University of Minnesota - Morris
Introduction by Matthew Beckman, Biology

Training Sessions
Why write proposals? | Joseph Erickson, Education
What does it take to submit a grant? | Benjamin Stottrup, Physics
Do I have support? | Erica Swift and Laura Roller, Institutional Advancement

Recognition Luncheon
Acknowledgement of faculty who have received external grants within the past two years
Reflections and Advice for Faculty | Mark Engebretson, Physics

The full announcement can be found at:

Please direct questions and RSVPs to Erica Swift at or 612-330-1184.

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Keeping Track of Auggies

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Auggie Athletics

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