Friday, April 19, 2013
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Faculty Showcase – Call for Materials

Scholarship and Teaching Showcase
Faculty Recognition Luncheon
May 2, 11:45 a.m. -2:30 p.m.
East Commons

As part of our annual faculty recognition luncheon, CTL sets up tables to display faculty work. It includes a focus on both scholarship (books, articles, art, and performances) and teaching (Moodle sites, syllabi, significant learning experiences, and other course materials that illustrate diverse approaches to effective teaching). If you have scholarship or teaching materials/products that we could display, please send your name, department, the materials you will provide, and your email address to

Please deliver a copy to Lois Nielsen-Johns in Memorial 111 by May 1; she will return them after the luncheon.

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Winter Break Faculty-led Study Abroad: Win $500

Applications are now available for the Winter Break faculty-led study abroad programs for 2014 - Trekking the Sierra Madre Mountains, Striving for Sustainability in Cuernavaca and Mexico City, and studying Monks & Heretics in Medieval Scotland! Click here for more details and to apply:

Trekking & Vocation: Sierra Madre Mountains:

Monks & Heretics: Medieval Scotland:

Striving for Sustainability:

And for the FIRST time, Augsburg Abroad is hosting a drawing for $500 off your program fee. All students who complete applications for a winter break program by June 16 will be entered to win a $500 discount off their program fee!

So come in for advising and start your application today!
Questions? Contact Andrea Dvorak at or 612-330-1669

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Faculty Grant Training & Recognition Luncheon

Grants at Augsburg: Tools to Enhance Your Scholarly Career

Friday, May 17, 2013
9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Oren Gateway Center 100

Please join us for a workshop on how to utilize grants to achieve career goals, enhance student learning and engagement, and advance the work and reputation of the College. All faculty are welcome to attend; new faculty are encouraged!

Scheduled Events:

Guest Speaker
The Ever-Changing Sea of Federal Funding: Hints for Faculty at Smaller Universities and Colleges. | Michael Ceballos, PhD, University of Minnesota - Morris
Introduction by Matthew Beckman, Biology

Training Sessions
Why write proposals? | Joseph Erickson, Education
What does it take to submit a grant? | Benjamin Stottrup, Physics
Do I have support? | Erica Swift and Laura Roller, Institutional Advancement

Recognition Luncheon
Acknowledgement of faculty who have received grants within the past two years
Reflections and Advice for Faculty | Mark Engebretson, Physics

The full announcement can be found at:

Please direct questions and RSVPs to Erica Swift at or 612-330-1184.

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Diversity Abroad Brown Bag Discussion: Tuesday 4/23

Augsburg Faculty and Staff are invited to join Augsburg Abroad for a brown bag lunch discussion IES Abroad's Director of Diversity Recruiting and Advising. The discussion will focus on...

+ expanding access and improving outreach to inspire more non-traditional students to study abroad
+ addressing and overcoming the obstacles to study abroad for many non-traditional/diverse students
+ how without international experience, many non-traditional/diverse students may be at disadvantage in the job market
+ cost/value and financing of study abroad

Tuesday, April 23
Noon-1 p.m.
Riverside Room

Presenter Bio
Gretchen Cook-Anderson
As director of diversity recruiting and advising at IES Abroad, Gretchen Cook-Anderson has led efforts that have raised the participation of underrepresented students in study abroad by more than 20 percent in just two years. An alum of IES Abroad's program in Nagoya, Japan, she holds degrees from Spelman College and Johns Hopkins University's Nitze School of Advanced International Studies. Cook-Anderson is an experienced speaker on study abroad diversity, having presented at the Forum on Education Abroad, NAFSA, Diversity Abroad, and IES Abroad conferences, and on numerous member campuses within IES Abroad's member consortium.

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TFAPS – Hybrid Learning Implementation

All faculty are invited to participate in two workshops offered by CTL and IT to support weekend and graduate faculty who are creating "hybrid" courses for 2013-14. If you are satisfied with the basic design of your courses, you only need to participate in the Moodle Labs to learn best practices for online learning and how to meet GAAC/AAC requirements for hybrid learning.

If you would like to improve the underlying design of your courses, you will also benefit from the integrated course design workshop.

Prerequisite: Please watch the screencasts in the Overview section of the Course Design Support Site ( before coming to these sessions.

Moodle Lab for Hybrid Learning.
The Moodle Labs are hands-on workshops that introduce and support development of your Moodle sites. Upcoming workshops are held on:

10-12 noon, Saturday, April 20, Foss 22A
9-10:30 a.m., Wednesday April 24, Foss 22A
9-10:30 a.m., Tuesday, April 30, Foss 22A

Additional spring and summer dates will be added later.

Integrated Course Design for Hybrid Learning.

The Integrated Course Design for Hybrid Learning is a hands-on workshop that explores Fink's model for course design, which integrates situational factors, learning goals, learning activities, and assessment. It addresses how to choose face-to-face and online activities to create an engaged learning community, provide direct instruction, and facilitate active, collaborative learning. Future workshops will be held on:

3:40-6:40 p.m., Thursday, April 25, Marshall – CANCELLED!
9-12 a.m., Tuesday, May 7, Marshall

Additional support includes:
Moodle Template for developing your course in accordance with GAAC/AAC requirements.
Course Design Support Site to provide additional detail and examples for Moodle applications.
Technology Tapas to showcase a variety of technologies that can improve your work.
Sloan-C Online Workshop passes to participate in further study of online learning.

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River Semester Workshop on April 22

For those interested in scheming about the upcoming River Semester, a group of faculty, staff, and students from area schools will be meeting to discuss specifics of the curriculum, learning goals, and program details. The aim is create a program that re-imagines much of what we do in higher education. The hope is that it will model low-cost, interdisciplinary, green, experiential, and civic education, and that it will also be a lot of fun. Anyone interested in the program is welcome to suggest ideas or to sign up as either a potential student or faculty/staff for part of the trip. The semester program will travel from Minneapolis to St. Louis by voyageur canoe, and then continue to New Orleans via bicycle, returning to the Twin Cities by train at the end of the term.

Monday, April 22 at 3:30 p.m. in OGC 200. Refreshments provided.

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May Teaching & Learning Calendar

May 7, 9 - 12 a.m., Marshall Room – Integrated Course Design Workshop

May 8-9, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., TBD - Writing Across the Curriculum

May 13, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Marshall Room – Major Assessment Workshop

May 14-16, Dunrovin Retreat Center – Jessica Nathanson Scholarly Writing Retreat (registration now closed, although we can add you to a waitlist)

May 15, 9 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., Marshall Room – Department Chairs/Program Directors Workshop

May 16, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m., E. Commons – Graduation Skills Assessment

May 20, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Lindell 301 – AugSem Training Session

May 21, 8 - 11:30 a.m., Riverside Room – Portfolio Workshop (for faculty involved in CTP reviews)

May 22-23, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Hoversten Chapel and OGC Classrooms – Creating an Inclusive Campus Conference (all faculty and staff are encouraged to attend)

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CTP Portfolio Workshop

Tuesday, May 21, 8:00-11:30 a.m.
Location: Riverside Room, Christensen Center
Facilitators: Diane Pike and Su Doree

The purpose of this workshop is to help candidates for any type of Committee on Tenure and Promotion (CTP) review to determine the various forms of evidence that can help build a strong portfolio. The focus is on evidence of teaching, but the strategies directly apply to scholarship and service as well. This workshop is not designed to replace departmental guidance and advice nor is it an analysis of the Faculty Handbook language as it applies to an individual. Following the workshop, participants are encouraged to form groups to review each other's portfolio materials and provide feedback and support.

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Creating an Inclusive Campus– Proposals Due TODAY

Creating an Inclusive Campus Conference
Reimagining Augsburg: Learning, Retention, and Success
Conference Dates: May 22-23
Proposals Due: April 19

This two-day annual conference will be held May 22-23 and is designed to feature key developments in fulfilling our commitment to intentional diversity and global learning at Augsburg College. It includes an opening session entitled "Reimagining Augsburg: Learning, Retention, and Success." It will combine a presentation by Dr. Eric Jolly with a working session to envision how we can co-create an inclusive community committed to learning, retention, and success of all members. Dr. Jolly is a member of Augsburg's Board of Regents, President of the Science Museum of Minnesota, and a nationally recognized speaker on issues of inclusiveness (

As our mission states, "The Augsburg experience is supported by an engaged community, committed to intentional diversity in its life and work." What does it mean to be committed to intentional diversity? It means that we recruit a diverse student body and create an inclusive, supportive learning environment that enables them to succeed. It means that we prepare all students to work collaboratively in a diverse, global environment. Finally, it means that we hire diverse faculty and staff, and create an inclusive, supportive work environment that enables them to be meaningfully involved in the work of Augsburg College. This conference allows us to celebrate what we are doing right and engage in dialogue about how we can continue to improve.

We invite you to design sessions that will engage faculty and staff in conversations about learning, retention, and success at Augsburg; or presentations that will deepen understanding of what is being done to create a more inclusive community. These sessions may focus on facilitating the success of all students, embedding diversity and global learning in the curriculum, or developing our community.

Please submit a proposal for a 90-minute session. Provide a title for your session, list of presenters, and a 150-200 word description of the session you would like to facilitate. Submit your proposal to by April 19.

The conference is co-sponsored by CTL, the Office of International Programs, Human Resources, Student Affairs, and General Education.

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General Announcements

May 1st FAFSA Renewal Deadline

May 1st is Augsburg College's official deadline to file your FAFSA for the upcoming 2013-2014 academic year.

Please go to to renew your FAFSA for this upcoming year. Be sure to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool within the FAFSA form to transfer your tax information over directly from the IRS.

Remember, not filing your FAFSA by the deadline will result in the loss of at least 50% of Augsburg aid and scholarships. Please let us know if you have an extenuating circumstances (such as an extension on filing federal taxes) so that we can best advise you on what steps you should take.

If you have any questions or concerns, we have Student Financial Services Counselors available Monday through Friday, 12:00-4:00pm, at the Student Financial Services Window in the Enrollment Center in Sverdup Hall; stop by and see us!

Did you know you are able to track the status of your FAFSA and financial aid online? Visit and log in to track your financial aid. Keep in mind, it takes about three days from when you submit the FAFSA for us to receive it.

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New Items on Clearance Rack at Bookstore

We have just taken new markdowns at the bookstore! Stop by and stock up on your Auggie gear!

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Women's Night Out This Saturday

Women of Augsburg are invited to join in the festivities at

Women's Night Out
Saturday, April 20
5:00-8:00 p.m.
Brian Coyle Community Center
420-15th Avenue South

Free dinner and fashion show of dress from many cultures.

For more information, please call Mary Laurel True at 612-330-1775 or email

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Free Show on Tuesday, April 23

zAmya Theater Project presents "Recovering the Me I Know I Can Be"
by the ensemble with Nicole Smith
Tuesday, April 23
2:00-3:00 p.m.
Sateren Auditorium - Music Building

Six women tell their stories of homelessness, addiction, and the lives they envision on the other side of recovery.

Free and open to the public!

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Cap & Gown Info

Congratulations to all!

Graduating in May?
Please come in now to purchase your Cap & Gown!

Graduating in June?
If you did not reserve your gown online, you may stop by the bookstore at any time to purchase your cap and gown (undergraduates)

Gowns that were reserved online will be available for sale on May 11. Master gowns that were not reserved online will be available for sale on May 11.

Prices for gowns are below - gowns that were not reserved by the deadline, add $10.00 to cost.

Prices for Cap & Gowns
Bachelor's Cap, Gown & Tassel - $52.95
Master's Cap, Gown, Tassel, & Hood -$91.00
Bachelor's gown only- $33.95
Master's gown only - $36.00
Cap $10.00
Tassel $11.00
Hood $36.00

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Provost Candidate Comments Survey

The second provost finalist candidate to visit campus is Linda Winkler, who currently serves as Dean of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences and Professor of Anthropology at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Dean Winkler's CV is available on the Provost Search Committee's public community Moodle site.

If you have had the chance to hear or meet with Dean Winkler during her visit, please share your comments through the following survey link

Your response is confidential as all comments will be compiled by our consultant and reported to the search committee in aggregate. The survey will close at 5 p.m., April 19.

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Transportation Survey

Thanks again to those who have filled out the brief survey of commuting habits for the Environmental Stewardship Committee. We have had over 500 responses to date and are hoping to get another 200 by the end of the term. If you have a minute to answer a few questions on how you get to and from campus, it would be greatly appreciated.

The link to the anonymous survey is

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Volunteers Needed - Habitat for Humanity

Volunteers Needed: Thrivent Builds with Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity!
Date: May 23
Worksite: 652 Sims Ave E, St. Paul

To volunteer, please contact Rob Wagner, Augsburg Class of 2002
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Office: 763-746-3124
Toll-free: 800-847-4836

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Nat'l Lutheran Choir Gala: 5 Spots Open - Free

Augsburg generously purchased a table for 10 people (at $40 per person) at this years' National Lutheran Choir Gala, which takes place this Sunday at 4 p.m. at the Earle Brown Heritage Center.

THERE ARE 5 SPOTS STILL AVAILABLE AT THE TABLE. Your delicious dinner is covered by the cost of your seat. There will also be wine, a silent auction, and performance by the choir.

Interested? Please call Tina at the National Lutheran Choir Office at (612) 722-2301 or email her at: to save your spot. Hope to see you there!

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Event Announcements

Zyzzogeton TODAY - Abstracts Online

Please join us for this year's Zyzzogeton Research Symposium today from 2 to 4 p.m. in Oren Gateway Center. Over 70 students will be presenting their research in the poster session. Zyzzogeton is a great opportunity to hear about the exciting scholarship happening on campus and refreshments will be served throughout the event.

Check out the URGO website to read the full abstracts!

Keep an eye out for the bright Zyzzogeton T-shirts and buttons around campus and come check it out!

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Auggie Earth Day Events: Monday, April 22

As Auggies, let's all get involved in Earth Day events, and illustrate our environmental stewardship! Below is a list of Earth Day events happening on/around campus Monday, April 22.

10:20 a.m. - Chapel Talk by "Brett Cease '07" Topic: Divestment: Our Call to Environmental Stewardship

11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Earth Day Brown Bag Lunch in Commons -- Christensen Center

Aviand's is catering with local food, raffles for eco-friendly prizes. Tabling for MPIRG, Campus Kitchens, Divest Augsburg: Go Fossil Free!

1:30 p.m. Gather in the Quad for Augsburg's Bike Ride to Earth Day Rally for Clean Jobs at the Capitol

3:00 p.m. Earth Day Capitol Rally with Gov. Dayton, Rep. Keith Ellison on the Capitol lawn

Please consider participating in these events and/or spreading the word to colleagues, students and others.

Auggies go Green!

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Faculty Gathering

President Pribbenow and Interim Dean John Schmit invite faculty members to drop in for an informal open house in the President's Office 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. on Monday, April 22.

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Focused Conversation: Fiscal 2013-14 Budget

Please join Tammy McGee, CFO and vice president of finance and administration, for a Focused Conversation to review the Fiscal 2013-14 budget, including the current revenue forecasts for next year and the expense and benefit adjustments that have been discussed by both the President's Cabinet and the Financial Solutions Group to deliver a balanced budget for next year.

There will be two sessions, both on Tuesday, April 23, in the Marshall Room: the first session is at noon, and the second session is at 3:40 p.m.

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Keeping Track of Auggies

Buy An Auggie, Get Two Free

"Tired of doing laundry? Don't want to clean? Need a ride somewhere? We got you!"

A few of us Augsburg students have decided to host a project called, "Buy An Auggie, Get Two Free," to fundraise and raise awareness against human trafficking in the efforts of eradicating the illegal trade of human beings. It's basically hiring us to do chores for you, starting at the price of $5, depending upon the task (ironic isn't it)! All donations are welcomed as well. The proceeds will go towards a nonprofit organization called, Breaking Free, that advocates for this cause and is based here in MN.

If you're interested, please use the following contacts -
Text "Go Auggies" to (508)-500-5896
Email:,, and

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Auggie Athletics

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