Wednesday, March 6, 2013
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Water Off in Melby/Kennedy/Ice Arena

The water will be shut off in all of the athletic facilities - Kennedy Center, Si Melby Hall, and the Ice Arena - on Thursday, March 7, from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

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Teaching and Learning

$1,000 Study Abroad Scholarships: Apply by March 15

Study fall or spring semester at Augsburg Exchange Partner schools or Augsburg's Center for Global Education and receive $1,000 in additional scholarships.

Augsburg's two newest exchange partners are in Asia.
Hong Kong Baptist University and United International College are liberal arts universities with all courses taught in English.

Deadline March 15 for Fall; Oct. 1 for Spring 2014

$1,000 scholarships available for semester study at Augsburg's Programs in...

Central America
Hong Kong

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Staff Development Series

Subject: Facilitating Access for All

Date: Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Time: 8-9:30 a.m.

Location: Riverside Room, Christensen Center

In your job at Augsburg, do you:

-Send email?

-Create documents that are distributed to students, faculty, staff, or outside parties?

-Host meetings or events?

-Use or move through common spaces?

If you do any of these things (and many others), then YOU can make a difference for people with disabilities! Come learn about accessibility principles and issues in our college environment, and identify specific ways that your work can impact those with access challenges. This interactive session includes some time visiting different campus spaces.

RSVP online at:

About the facilitators:

Sheila Fox Wassink, from the CLASS office, is a Disability Specialist. Rachel Kruzel (also from CLASS) is an Accommodations Specialist coordinating assistive technology and accessible materials. Erin Voss works in the IT department and as a Liaison for Computing supports assigned staff in all use of technology (including accessibility-related matters).

Questions? Need accommodations in order to participate in this session? Please contact Erin Voss or Tracy Christianson.

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Teaching and Technology Tapas - Today

Tapas are small plates of delicious food eaten as appetizers or combined to form a meal shared with friends. Similarly, our Technology Tapas are tasty bite-sized topics presented in brief segments. You can drop by for just a few topics or stay to experience an entire workshop. Please join us for:

"Teaching and Technology Tapas"
Wednesday, March 6 from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Christensen Center Riverside Room

Your Liaisons for Computing and guest presenters will share a variety of tools, tips, and resources that apply to your day-to-day activities and special projects that arise. Community Lunch participants are welcome. Content is appropriate for users of all levels of computing experience.

We look forward to seeing you!

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General Announcements

Fund for the Public Interest - On Campus

The Fund for the Public Interest is a national non-profit organization that works to build support for progressive organizations across the country. We run campaigns for the Human Rights Campaign, USPIRG, and Environment America. This summer we will be in over 50 cities, working and lobbying to help win environmental and social justice campaigns.

Last summer our staff helped ban off-shore drilling to protect our coasts, repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell, and increase food safety standards to make school lunches safer - all while building valuable leadership skills.

Currently, we have paid positions open on our campaign staff in each of our locations. We require that interested candidates are hard workers and have excellent communication skills.

As a member of our staff, you will fund raise, build membership for our partner groups, and educate and activate citizens on pressing issues.

You will also have the opportunity to organize press conferences and build coalitions with other non-profit organizations. While on staff, you gain knowledge of pressing concerns our country is facing, learn how to effectively generate public support, and obtain a firm understanding of the political process.

We will be holding information sessions and interviews at Augsburg on Wednesday, March 6. (Christensen Center, Lobby) To find out the locations of our information sessions and how to apply, please visit or call 1-800-75-EARTH (753-2784).

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Batalden Summer Internship in El Salvador

Current Augsburg students are invited to apply to be an intern this summer with the Centro Arte para la Paz in Suchitoto, El Salvador. These interns will work under the direction of Sister Peggy O'Niell providing assistance in the Center and surrounding community as determined by the student's skills and interests and the needs of the community. Applicants should have an intermediate to advanced level of Spanish proficiency. The program will operate for six weeks from May 12 to June 22, 2013. Student will receive one internship credit as part of the program. The total cost of the program is $450 (which includes the internship credit, transportation to and from El Salvador, orientation in country, housing, and most meals).

The Batalden Internship Program is part of the Batalden Program in Applied Ethics at Augsburg. The low cost is possible through the generosity of the Batalden Endowment. For more information or an application, contact Matt Maruggi at or 330-1317.

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One Week Paid - Camp Counselor

Are you looking for a one week paid summer employment opportunity. Urban Scrubs Camp is designed to engage 60-100 high school students in health care careers and topics. Augsburg and HealthForce MN are seeking three-five college age students to serve as DAY counselors during the camp July 8-12. If you are interested in applying and seeing a job description, please email

Deadline date to apply is March 29.

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McNair Scholars Program Recruiting for Fall 2013

Augsburg College's TRIO McNair Scholars Program is recruiting for admission Fall 2013. The goal of the program is to prepare Scholars for graduate study through academic preparation and involvement in undergraduate research and other scholarly activities. McNair teams you with other academically strong students who aspire to graduate study, and helps you to achieve that dream.

The McNair Scholars Program works with students who are members of groups underrepresented in graduate education and who exhibit strong academic potential. The program provides coursework, workshops, advising in preparation for doctoral degrees. Also, programming assists with securing admission to and financial assistance for enrollment in graduate programs. You will acquire the research skills necessary to succeed in graduate school through a paid research internship ($4,000) with an Augsburg faculty member during the Summer of 2014.

The McNair Scholars Program is a federal TRIO grant from the U.S. Department of Education. Therefore, to be eligible you must be first-generation (neither parent graduated from a four-year college) AND low-income OR may be persons from groups underrepresented in graduate education. The Department of Education defines these groups as African-American, American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Hispanic/Latino. Additionally, eligible applicants are either U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents.

If you are interested in learning more about the McNair Scholars Program, please contact Lara Crombie, Program Assistant at or (612) 330-1380 to schedule an appointment. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions about the program or if you're unsure whether or not you qualify.

Application Deadline: Thursday, March 28, 2013

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Nominations Open for Augsburg Leadership Awards

Nominations are open for the 2012-2013 Augsburg Leadership Awards!

Student leaders, student groups, and student group advisors can be nominated for their outstanding leadership and contributions to the Augsburg community this academic year.

To nominate a student, advisor, or student group, please submit the following materials to Michael Grewe via email at or to Christensen Center Room 1D by Friday, March 8:

--A nomination packet:
--Optional: Any supplemental materials that would enhance nomination, including recommendation letters, resumes, etc.

Award recipients will be honored at the 14th Annual Augsburg Leadership Awards on Tuesday, April 9. For questions, call 612-330-1499.

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Nominate Someone for a Courageous Woman Award

Do you know a woman who courageously strives for social justice and peace on campus or in the wider community? Someone who sees injustice and acts on it? Someone who raises her voice to champion women? If so, then nominate her for a Courageous Woman Award.

Award recipients are selected from a pool of nominations and receive a prize of $1,000. Anyone may propose a nominee but each individual may nominate only one woman per year. Eligible for nomination are women in the Augsburg student body, faculty, and staff as well as women from the Cedar Riverside neighborhood and the broader Twin Cities community. Nominations may be submitted through our website: .

The deadline for nomination is March 15, 2013. For questions about the Awards, please contact Adriane Brown at

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Grad Info - Please Read, Time-sensitive Information

Graduating in May?

Cap and Gowns must be reserved online by March 7.
You will not need to pay until you pick up in the store. Cap & Gowns will be ready to pick on April 9 at the Day Grad Fair from 10:30 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. If you are unable to make it to the Grad Fair, you are able to pick up any time the store is open till graduation. If your gown is not reserved by March 7, a $15 late charge will be added to the final cost of your cap and gown.

Graduating in June?

Cap and Gowns must be reserved online by April 9.
You will not need to pay until you pick up at the store. Cap & Gowns will be ready to purchase on May 11 at the WEC/Masters Grad Fair 11 a.m.-1 p.m. If you are unable to make it to the Grad Fair, you are able to pick up any time the store is open till graduation. If your gown is not reserved by April 9, a $15 late charge will be added to the final cost of your cap and gown.

Prices for Cap & Gowns
Bachelor's Cap, Gown & Tassel - $52.95
Master's Cap, Gown, Tassel, & Hood -$91
Bachelor's gown only- $33.95
Master's gown only - $36
Cap - $10
Tassel - $11
Hood - $36

Please be sure to stop by the bookstore for your Grad Fair – in addition to purchasing your cap & gown, pick up your five free announcements, look at custom announcements, and diploma frames!

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Auggies vs. Tommies Fitness Challenge Starts TODAY

The Auggie Fac/Staff are 2-1 vs. the Tommies in fitness challenges. Round 4 begins today, Wednesday, March 6 and runs through April 30. To sign up email

Points are accumulated as follows: 1 pt. for 30 minutes of exercise, 2 points for 60 minutes of exercise and 3 pts. for 90 minutes of exercise. 3 pt. max/day, 21 pt. max/week. You keep track of your weekly points and report them to by 2 p.m. on Wednesdays. I will send weekly reminder emails to report points. The team with the most total points wins that week.

All fac/staff (adjunct, part-time, full-time) are invited to join in on the fun. If you any questions, please contact me. Go Auggies!

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Dining Services

Nabo is offering a meal replacement special, one meal plan meal per week can be used to purchase the special of the day at Nabo from 1:30 p.m. to close.

The special today is a Sloppy Joe Sandwich with chips a fountain drink.

Einstein Bros:
Stop in and try one of our Egg White Bagel Thin Sandwiches. We are also featuring a combo option with a sandwich and a coffee.

The Commons:
In observation of Lent we will be having Fish every Friday starting Friday, Feb. 15.

Breakfast: 7:30-9:45 a.m.
Continental Breakfast: 9:45-11 a.m.
Lunch: 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Pizza, Sandwich, Salad Bar: 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Dinner: 4:30-7 p.m.

Flex Points can be purchased online at You can pay with your student account or credit card.

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Lutheran Volunteer Corps - Apply Now

Application deadline date is quickly approaching for Lutheran Volunteer Corps. If you are still weighing options of what to do after you graduate? Trying to find a way to use your talents, strengths, and experience in a way that both furthers your vocational goals and challenges you to engage deeply with the values of community, justice and sustainability? Then, Lutheran Volunteer Corps may be a perfect fit for you!

Please check out our website and start your online application TODAY! The final deadline of April 1 is less than a month away.

If you have questions contact Joanne Otte, Admissions and Alumni Relations Director at or 773-832-9402

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Spanish Conversation Tomorrow

Shake off the winter blues in Spanish conversation group! Join us for laughs and interesting conversation as we practice speaking in a relaxed and friendly setting. All language levels are welcome.

We meet every Thursday from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. in the Riverside Room, 2nd floor of the Christensen Center. Signs will be posted. Drop in at any time and stay for as long as you like. We promise there will be no grammar lessons! You are welcome to bring your lunch.

Drop in three times and earn a free T-shirt!

If you have any questions, contact Emiliano Chagil, ext. 1309; Anita Fisher, ext. 1082 or Kate Reinhardt, ext. 1081. We hope to see you there!

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Event Announcements

Info About Study Abroad - World Wednesday Tabling

Augsburg Abroad presents World Wednesday tabling every Wednesday for this semester.

Returnees share their experience about their study abroad and give you necessary info about studying abroad.

Come by anytime between 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. every Wednesday in Christensen Center Lobby and learn why studying abroad is beneficial.

Semester and Summer programs deadline is March 15. If you have further questions come by to Augsburg Abroad office, Christensen Center #2. Come by for advising in Nelson room on Wednesdays, 10:15 a.m. or 4 p.m. (other days are available as well).

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Learn How to Apply for PA School - March 13

PA (Physician Assistant) School Application Information Session
March 13, 6-8 p.m. @ OGC 103

URGO will be hosting a PA School Application Information Session to discuss the application timeline, application components, and strategies for producing a high-quality application. You will have the opportunity to hear from alumni who just recently completed the application process and those who are currently in PA school. While the session will be geared toward those who are applying this year, we strongly encourage all those who are interested in PA school to come and learn about the process.

Dinner will be provided.

If you are interested in PA school but cannot make the session, please email us at

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Exploring Culture: Zorongo Flamenco March 8-10

Zorongo Artistic director Susana di Palma is excited to announce her newest flamenco adventure, Locas Mujeres y Mas/Madwomen and More, which will premiere at The Cowles Center for the Performing Arts on March 8, 2013. The show runs March 8-10, with shows Fri. & Sat. at 8 p.m., Sun. at 2 p.m.

Locas Mujeres y Mas/Madwomen and More, is a three-part work featuring the "Madwoman" poems of Chilean diplomat, feminist, educator and author Gabriela Mistral; "Ida y vuelta," an exploration of the influence of New World rhythms on the flamenco tradition in Spain; and a new program of pure flamenco. Di Palma will be joined by Pedro Cortés, Jr., Zorongo's Musical Director, dancer Antonio Granjero, who appeared in the title role of 2012's Zorro In The Land of The Golden-Breasted Woodpecker (Moningwunakauning), Deborah Elias and Colette Illarde, as well as other musicians, singers and dancers. For more information, visit

Locas Mujeres y Mas/Madwomen and More is produced with the support of the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council.

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Interested in STEM Opportunities?

Are you curious about the STEM* opportunities available on campus? Would you like an opportunity to chat with other students who have received scholarships or research grants? Want to learn more about the Gilman scholarship for STEM students to study abroad?

Stop by the Enrollment Center study area from 11:15-11:45 a.m. on Tuesday, March 12 for coffee, cookies and STEM conversation. Students who have participated in a variety of programs and activities including AugSTEM, McNair, North Star STEM, study abroad, and URGO summer research will be available for questions and advice. Staff from Augsburg Abroad, URGO, and STEM Programs will also be available.

If you're unable to stop by on Tuesday, but you would like to hear about any of the opportunities mentioned, please send an email to

*STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. STEM departments or programs at Augsburg include biology, biopsychology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics and physics.

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TODAY - Zyzzogeton Poster Design Workshop

If you are planning on presenting at Zyzzogeton this spring, URGO and McNair will be hosting a poster design workshop today from 4-5:15 p.m. in Sverdrup 201 to help you design and edit your poster.

This workshop is essential for students at any stage of the design process, whether you already have a poster nearly finished or if you have not started yet. Bring a flash drive if you have one, but it is not necessary if you do not.

Poster Design Workshop
Wednesday, March 6
4-5:15 p.m. in Sverdrup 201

Questions? Contact URGO at or 612-330-1446.

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Thursday - Resume Critiqued by Employers

Auggies Connect with Employers this Thursday, March 7, 2013

Christensen Center, First Floor from 3-5 p.m.

Stop by and ask representatives from Commonbond Communities, Lutheran Social Services, and Anoka County questions on your job or internship search and/or have your resume critiqued. All are welcome. No appointment necessary.

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Exploring Culture: French Film on Friday Night

Join the Alliance Française for the French film "Biguine" - March 8 at 7 p.m.

Free and open to the public!

All films are shown Friday evenings at 7 p.m., in French with English subtitles, in the Melva Lind Memorial Library, in the Grande Salle of the Alliance Française. Popcorn and refreshments are provided, donations are welcome. Free parking in pay lot across the street with AF permit (inquire inside)! For more information, visit

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AmeriCorps/VISTA Information Session - TODAY

AmeriCorps/VISTA Information Session
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
4:45-5:30 p.m.
Christensen Center, First Floor

Stop by and learn how you can become a VISTA member! Pay back student loans, gain experience and fight poverty.

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Keeping Track of Auggies

Jacqueline deVries Publishes on Women's History

History professor Jacqueline deVries's article, "Popular and Smart: Why Scholarship on the Women's Suffrage Movement in Britain Still Matters," was just published in the journal History Compass (March 2013); see:

In addition, her article, "More Than Paradoxes to Offer: Feminism, History and Religious Cultures," in Women, Gender and Religious Cultures in Britain, 1800-1940, ed. Morgan and deVries (Routledge, 2010) was recently featured in the Gender and History discussion group at Oxford University in England.

Congratulations, Jacqui!

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Auggie Athletics

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