Friday, October 26, 2012
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Office Space Heaters

The Facilities Department has announced in past A-mail publications how we will approach the management of heating and cooling temperatures and energy management, in general, going forward.

During the heating season, our goal is to maintain heat levels in the buildings at 68 degrees F. During the cooling season, we will try to maintain temperatures at 76 degrees F. Our goal is to deliver on a commitment and endeavor to provide a consistent, ambient building temperature throughout the campus, reduce energy costs, optimize the campus' EMS [Energy Management System], and comply with fire safety codes.

In the past, portable space heaters have been used throughout the campus to augment cold spots in the distribution of heat within buildings. Using space heaters is highly inefficient, can be a safety hazard, overloads electrical circuits, and is not a good use of the Colleges' resources as the conversion process of electricity to heat in these units is very expensive.

If you have a personal electric heater at work, please take it home before 11.1.12. If you have an electric heater that was obtained with College resources, the Facilities Department staff will be picking those up starting 11.1.12.

If you experience temperatures in your work space that are predominantly out of the ranges stated above, please submit an online work request through the Inside Augsburg Facilities Work Order System to correct the heating or cooling problem.

Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please direct them to

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Telephone Maintenance Friday 10/26 (East Campus)

Augsburg telephone service will be unavailable in Si Melby, Kennedy, Ice Arena beginning Friday 11/26 at 11:00 a.m. and lasting up to six hours. During this time, no phone service will be available in the buildings listed. All calls made to those extensions will go to voice mail as if unanswered.

In preparation for the demolition of Murphy Place, IT will be rerouting the telecom cables that service the campus east of 23rd Street.

During this time voice mail can be accessed by following the off-campus access instructions:

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

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Teaching and Learning

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General Announcements

New Site Going Live

As scheduled, the updated site is launching today. The web team will continue to be in the process making adjustments and addressing conversion issues throughout the day.

If you encounter an error on the site (e.g., broken link or image) as you are clicking through it, please help us out by using this form to record the issue:

If you notice a content issue (e.g., typo or inaccurate information), please contact the content manager for that particular section (see the list posted on Inside Augsburg earlier this week: )

Thanks, again, to everyone who has helped get the site to its "grand opening" status -- and to all who will help us keep it current and refreshed going forward!

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Internal Job Postings Closing

The Academic Affairs Analyst job posting closes this FRIDAY 10/26/12. The MAE Program Coordinator job posting closes next FRIDAY 11/02/12.

Interested candidates should submit their resume and cover letter to without delay. For more information about the positions, please see the Human Resources Moodle site.

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Anti-Racism Conference Open to All, Nov. 16-17

Overcoming Racism: Decolonizing Minnesota & Beyond: Historical & Current Struggles
Metropolitan State University, St. Paul
November 16-17, 2012
Presented by the Facilitating Racial Equity Collaborative

Students, faculty, and staff—Extend your learning beyond the classroom. This locally-created conference is easy to get to and open to all.

Saturday keynote speaker: Dr. Rose M. Brewer, is the Morse-Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor and former Chairperson of the African American & African Studies Department at The University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. She received her M.A and Ph.D. degrees in sociology from Indiana University, and did post-doctoral studies at the University of Chicago. She has published extensively on intersectionality, race, class, gender, political change, and social movements. Her co-authored book, The Color of Wealth (2006) received the Gustavus-Meyer outstanding book award. Dr. Brewer is a member of the Academy of Distinguished Teachers at the University of Minnesota and the recipient of the Josie Johnson Human Rights and Social Justice Award at the University.

Full price/corporate rate: $100 for single day or $160 for both days
Discounted pre-registration rate: $80 single day / $125 both days -- Available to all who choose this option and pay by Nov. 8 (or until we sell out, if earlier)
Student rate: $35 single day / $60 both days

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Applying for Grad School?

The graduate school application process can sometimes be daunting and complicated. The URGO office is available to help you through this process by providing valuable services such as guidance and feedback on personal statements, advice and resources for the GRE, and conducting practice interviews.

If you are applying for graduate school this fall or spring, we encourage you to stop by our office in Science 152 or email us at to see how we may help you reach your goal.

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ResLife Office Closed

The Department of Residence Life main office located in the Urness/Mortensen Hall Lobby will be closed Friday 10/26 - Sunday 10/28. We will open again on Monday 10/29 at 8:00 a.m. Contact DPS with emergencies.

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Event Announcements

Voter ID Amendment Conversation

Want to learn more about the Voter ID amendment? Sherri Knuth from the League of Women Voters will give a brief presentation and host a conversation with students, faculty, and staff about the potential impacts of the amendment. Feel free to bring your lunch and stop in if you can!

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Have Lunch with HFA Convo. Speaker Dan Phillips

Following this year's Humanities and Fine Arts Convocation, join speaker Dan Phillips for lunch. Dan is the founder of The Phoenix Commotion, which builds whimsical houses for low-income families out of recycled materials. He has also had an interesting vocational journey, which has included time as a modern dance professor and cryptographer in military intelligence. Hear more of Dan's story over lunch.

The main convocation talk, "Recycled Housing: Adventures in Human Sensibilities" will take place on November 7, at 10 a.m., in Hoversten Chapel. Lunch will follow at 11:30 a.m. in Lindell Library, room 301. There is only space for 30 guests, so RSVP is required.

If you would like to attend, please contact Phil Adamo at

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Dan Phillips Speaks at HFA Convocation, Nov. 7

The speaker for this year's Humanities and Fine Arts Convocation is Dan Phillips a designer and builder, and the founder of The Phoenix Commotion. Phillips builds houses for low-income families out of 90% re-used or recycled materials. His designs are artsy and whimsical, for example using license plates instead of shingles for roofing tiles. His philosophy of building is grounded in the liberal arts, and as a speaker he is witty and engaging.

During his two days at Augsburg, Phillips will talk to art students about design, to MBA students about social entrepreneurship, and to environmental studies students about sustainable building practices. His main convocation talk, "Recycled Housing: Adventures in Human Sensibilities" will take place on November 7, at 10 a.m., in Hoversten Chapel.

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MN Voter ID Amendment Debate

Students from Augsburg College's Sociology of Law class will be presenting a debate: Minnesota's Voter ID Amendment in Context: Preventing Voter Fraud or Encouraging Voter Suppression? The presentation will feature a brief history of voting in the U.S., other states' voter ID laws, and debate teams representing each side of the issue. Join us Tuesday, October 30, in OGC 100 and learn more about the proposed amendment!

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Learn About Health Careers - Oct. 31 at 2:30 p.m.

Have you ever wondered what it's like to be a physician, physician's assistant, or medical student? Come to a panel discussion featuring an M.D., a P.A. and a medical student. They will provide some background about their particular training and their path into health care. Following their comments there will be a question and answer session.

October 31
2:30-3:30 p.m.
Science Hall 123

For questions, please contact Dr. Matthew Beckman at or Kirsten O'Brien at

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Keeping Track of Auggies

Ingrid Bergland Reports from CGE Mexico

Ingrid Bergland
Fall 2012 - AugCore Mexico:Crossing Borders, a CGE Semester Program Abroad

This past Friday, we met with a group called Luz y Libertad (Light and Liberty) who talked to us about their work, which centers primarily on the issue of empowerment for women. This group, which started about 24 years ago, began as primarily a Bible study group. They began to critically examine the Bible and saw it as a means for liberation. About ten years after they started the group, they began leading workshops for community members to attend. The types of workshops they lead are: nutrition, craft, baking, self-esteem, and a savings and loan group.

One of the members of the group described their objective to be "to make the word of God real." In these workshops, they are able to teach women to be more independent. The workshops give women skills to be able to bring in a small income and learn to organize, as well as give women a space to congregate together outside of their homes. One of the women described: "the word of God has been our motor for change." By leading these workshops, these women are able to spread love, justice, and peace.

The discussion we had with these women is consistent with the themes that we have been reading about and talking about in our many of our courses. One of the main themes has been liberation theologies, in which individuals who are oppressed in one way or another look to the biblical texts to empower themselves for a better life. One of the women at Luz y Libertad described that the group is "the actual church in movement." Members of Christian Base Communities like Luz y Libertad are essentially God's feet on the ground, working to create a more just society as they are able.

Ingrid Berland

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Auggie Athletics

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