Wednesday, September 5, 2012
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Campus Key/Fob Access Requests are Now Online

Key, Fob, and Fob Clearance requests have gone online. Per policy, only directors and department chairs may request keys for staff/faculty/students in their areas. A list of authorized directors and chairs can be found at:

Directors and chairs should fill out the Key, Fob or Fob Clearance request form online through the Public Safety website: Once the key/fob has been prepared, notification will be sent to the director or chair that their request has been completed. The director/chair should then notify the key holder and the key holder may then pick up the key from Public Safety with a photo ID.

*Key request paper forms will no longer be available for pick up at the Public Safety Desk.

*All resident keys must still be requested through Residence Life.

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Teaching and Learning

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General Announcements

FacStaff Fitness Wellness Incentives

Augsburg College's commitment to fitness and wellness is exemplified in our FacStaff Fitness Wellness Incentive Program. Thanks to Human Resources for continuing to fund this awesome program. Log on to the Moodle site below for details. Starting today!

Wellness Resources Moodle site: (log in to "Moodle Community" first)

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Music Ensemble Auditions

All music ensembles are conducting auditions this Wednesday (9/5), Thursday (9/6), and Friday (9/7). Auditions are open to all Augsburg students. Sign up for the audition times posted on the bulletin board between the band and choir room on the main floor of the Music Hall. For questions, call ext. 1265 or email Tina at

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Posting Policy Reminder

Posting is allowed on bulletin boards, posting strips, and kiosks. A reminder - no posting on walls, windows, or doors.

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Thank You

A big thank you goes out to the 64 staff, students, faculty, alumni, and parents who gave of their time to be volunteers at the Augsburg booth at the State Fair! A special thank you goes out to Mark Chamberlain, David Jones, and Devon Ross for their hard work with putting up and taking down our fantastic booth: We are Called | Auggies.

If you have any thoughts about or suggestions for next year's Great Minnesota Get-Together, let me know. My ext. is 1525 and my email is

Thanks again!

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Great Work AugSem Students, Faculty, and Cabinet

Thanks to the entire first-year class, transfer students, AugSem faculty, student leaders, and the President's Cabinet for their work with the community yesterday as part of City Service Day at the following community organizations:

Cedar Riverside Community School
Korean Peace Garden
Seward Montessori School
Mississippi River
Powderhorn Park
Mixed Blood Theatre
Cedar Cultural Center
Brian Coyle Community Center
Aesthetic Apparatus
Bedlam Theatre
Focus MN
Augsburg Community Garden
Trinity Congregation
KFAI Radio
Bethany Lutheran Church
West Bank Business Association Holy Rosary Church
Matthew's Center

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Central Services Now Accepts Credit Cards

We are delighted to announce that your wish has come true! So many of you have asked to pay for your personal copies, stamps, or package shipping with credit/debit cards; we listened and are now able to accommodate! We will accept VISA and MasterCard credit cards and VISA and MasterCard debit/check cards used as credit cards (no PIN numbers). Minimum credit card purchase: $2. For your protection and ours, we will also be checking your photo ID when your purchase is over $25.

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Emerging Leaders Program: Applications Due Sept. 7

The Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) is a 10-week leadership program specifically for first-year undergraduate students at Augsburg. ELP aims to empower students to develop their leadership skills in order to connect, to engage, and to invest in the Augsburg and greater community.

Sessions meet every Wednesday from 4-6 p.m. starting September 12.

To apply, download, print, and complete the form below, and turn it into Michael Grewe in Campus Activities and Orientation (Christensen Center, Room 1D) no later than noon on Friday, September 7.

The form can be downloaded at:

Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. For questions, email

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Dining Services

Welcome back students!

Einstein's is now hiring for all positions and for a variety of hours.
Stop by Einstein's for more information or to pick up an application.

The Commons is open regular hours:
Breakfast: 7:30-9:45 a.m.
Continental Breakfast: 9:45-11 a.m.
Lunch: 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Pizza, Sandwich, Salad Bar: 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Dinner: 4:30-7 p.m.

Aviands is proud to announce our new food service director Joshua Ahrens. He can be reached at 612-359-6476.

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McNair Scholars Program Re-funded

It gives us great pleasure to announce that Augsburg's McNair Scholars grant has been renewed by the U.S. Department of Education for 2012-2017 ($220,000 awarded x 5 years for a total of 1.1 million dollars).

The TRIO Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program (McNair Scholars Program) is a federal grant-funded graduate school preparatory program with a mission to prepare first-generation, low income and underrepresented students for doctoral study. The program provides opportunities for participants to develop graduate school level academic skills necessary to gain admission to and successfully complete graduate study.

With the funding renewal of the program and additional sponsorship from the College, we will be able to continue serving eligible students through rigorous engagement in undergraduate research and scholarly activity.

McNair would like to thank all faculty and staff involved in the grant writing process, as well as our colleagues that continue to support/advocate for the program.

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Event Announcements

Meeting for History Majors: 9/12, 5-6 p.m., OGC 100

Mandatory Meeting for History Majors
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
5 to 6 p.m. -- OGC 100

To all history majors and students interested in becoming majors:

Hello! Welcome and/or welcome back! We hope you had a good summer, and that you're here ready for some serious and fun work in the classroom and beyond.


This is to invite you (compel you, really) to come to a mandatory meeting for all history majors, and those who would like to be history majors. It's the first time in a while that we've tried to gather you all in one place, so we want to make it worth your time.


Here are some of the things we'd like to do:

-- talk about the future of the history club

-- discuss possibilities for the Chrislock lecture

-- give you a sneak preview of the new Department of History website

-- ask your advice about the kinds of courses you'd like to see in the future.

Did I mention the pizza? Since the meeting will take place at the dinner hour, we'll provide the pies and pop. Please come so we can check in with you, hear how you're doing, and get the whole history crowd off to a good start for the 2012-2013 academic year.

On behalf of all your history professors, we look forward to seeing you.

Phil Adamo
Associate Professor and Chair
Department of History

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Meeting & Audition for Fall Theater Production

An Augsburg Theater Department Project

Have you ever struggled to buy books or pay for food?
Are student loans weighing on you?
Is it tough to negotiate time between work and classes?
Are you worried about debt?

Then this project is for YOU.

Introductory Meeting/Audition
Wednesday, September 12, at 6:30 p.m.

Debt isn't a conventional theater production--it's not a production at all, in fact. The students who are chosen to be part of this project will lead a series of four town hall meetings about student debt using participatory, popular theatre techniques. Think of it as an interactive four-day forum.

Leading up to this forum, there will also be a week of short performances, projects, and events throughout the Augsburg campus designed to generate conversation about student debt and encourage students, staff, and faculty to attend the town hall meetings.

NO prior experience in performance is necessary—just interest in the issue of student debt, commitment to learning more, and desire to take part in and co-lead an interactive discussion.

Introductory Meeting/Main Audition
Wednesday, September 12
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Tjornhom-Nelson Theater, Foss Center

Please sign up on the Foss Theater door and/or email stage manager Elizabeth Murphy at if you plan to attend. Also, please be ready on September 12 to share your Fall 2012 class and work schedule.

The only thing you need to do to prepare is pick up and read one article about student debt in advance of auditions. You can find hard copies of this article in the Theater Department main office of the Foss Center or on reserve at the library circulation desk. You may also request a PDF copy by emailing stage manager Teondra Easterling at

The auditions will be collaborative in nature. We will talk about the project itself, as well as the article. Then, we will try out a few performance activities together. Students will be invited to return for on Thursday, September 13, for follow-up small group meetings to discuss their involvement in the project.

Students who are only interested in taking part in the short, site-specific performances, projects, and events around the Augsburg campus should attend the following:

Short Performance & Project Meeting/Audition
Friday, September 14
4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Tjornhom-Nelson Theater, Foss Center

Please sign up on the Theater door and/or email stage manager Elizabeth Murphy at if you plan to attend. Also, please be ready on September 14 to share your Fall 2012 class and work schedule.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have already attended the introductory meeting/main auditions on September 12, you do not need to attend the extra auditions on Friday (unless you want to). By attending the main auditions, you will automatically be considered for the short performances, projects, and events if you are interested in them.

For more information, don't hesitate to contact Prof Sarah Myers at or call 612-330-1718.

Also, please attend our Theater Department Welcome Meeting from 3:10-4:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 6, in the Foss Green Room to meet the Debt team, ask questions in person, and find out more about the whole Theater Department season.

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DNC Acceptance Speech Watch Party

With just weeks left until Election Day, President Obama will take the stage in Charlotte, N.C., to address the Democratic National Convention. And Augsburg students will be there…in spirit. Come listen to the President's speech and then get ready to get to work.

We have two months to turn out students in a big way to vote for President Obama and Democrats up-and-down the ticket. We've come too far to turn back now.

President doesn't speak until about 9 p.m., and will go until about 10 p.m. However, there will be pre-programming with speeches and such at 7 p.m.

RSVP here:

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Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie

Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie will be speaking at Augsburg College on Thursday, September 20 in Sateren Auditorium from 1:30-3 p.m. He will speak about Minnesota's voting history and our rights and responsibilities as voters. There will be more details coming. Plan to bring yourselves, your classes, friends, and family. Mark your calendars.

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Speech Team meets Friday

Were you on your speech team in high school? If you were, you'll be happy to know that you can continue on it in college! And if you've never done contest speech activities, a world of fun awaits! The Augsburg Speech Team will have its first meeting of the year this Friday, September 7, from 3:30-4:30 p.m. in Oren 100. Stop by and find out what college forensics has to offer.

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Keeping Track of Auggies

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Auggie Athletics

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