Wednesday, May 30, 2012
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

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General Announcements

5 Auggies Receive Prestigious Intl Ed Scholarship

Congratulations to 5 Auggies (see below) who received the State Department sponsored Gilman International Scholarship for study in Fall and Academic Year 2012-13. Augsburg had more awardees this round than any other Twin Cities college or university!

Since Fall 2008 Augsburg students have received over $98,000 in Gilman Awards.

Thao, Catherine
Korea, South

Vang, Mai Kao
Korea, South

Yang, Nikki

Yokoi, Tayo
Korea, South

Dimore, Nazwarit
South Africa

Learn more about the Gilman:

Augsburg Abroad and the Center for Global Education will be holding Gilman Scholarship Workshops for students again this fall. Mark Your Calendars for Friday, September 14 at 2:30 in the Marshall Room and Thursday, Sept 20th at 3:30 in the Marshall Room.

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Focused Conversation CSF Final Report & FY13 Budge

You are invited to a Focused Conversation on the final report of the Commission on Strategic Finance and the FY13 Budget!

Earlier this month, the Board of Regents received the final report of the Commission on Strategic Finance which set the stage for a strategic, disciplined approach toward stewardship of institutional resources in ways that will grow our student body while increasing the quality of net tuition revenue dollars while reforming the ways in which we do our work so as to leverage resources.

Regents also approved the College's budget for the fiscal year beginning June 1st, 2012. The budget calls for a discipline of growing compensation and operating expenses at a slower rate than the growth of tuition and other revenue. Capital expenditures were budgeted to keep with the second year of projects identified in last year's Campus Space and Master Plan with an eye toward bridging the needs of the sciences between now and when the Center for Science Business and Religion is built.

Please join Tammy McGee, V.P. of Finance and Administration; Julie Edstrom, V.P. of Enrollment; and Staney Rostad, Controller; for a focused conversation related to the:
• Commission on Strategic Finance Final Report, and,
• FY13 Budget

Next Wednesday, May 30th, at 11:00AM, in Oren Gateway Center, room 100.

The narratives for these two reports are being posted to the College Reports section of Inside Augsburg.

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Get Connected: College Social Media Directory

The MarComm team is working to assemble a directory of all the official social media sites operated by faculty and staff.

If your department or division has social media accounts - Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, blogs, etc. - please send an email to Steff Weiss ( with a link to your department/division social media resources.

The goal is to build a directory so that as the College presence in social media continues to grow, we can follow one another, cross-post, and be aware of the work going on in the community.

Thanks for your help!

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Event Announcements

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Keeping Track of Auggies

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Auggie Athletics

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