Thursday, May 24, 2012
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Crime Alert: Burglary in Foss

May 23, 2012: Burglary

At 1:20 am this morning Public Safety officers discovered a burglary in Foss Center, while doing a walkthrough of the building. Upon further investigation, it was found that three suspects forced entry through an exterior door between Music and Murphy Place. They then ran through the building, forced entry into Foss center and took equipment from a suite in Foss. The suspects were in and out of the building within 5 minutes, just before 11pm last night. Minneapolis Police was called to the scene and are investigating this crime. Some of the property taken was recovered by St Paul Police this morning. If you have any information about this crime, please report to Public Safety Director Jesse Cashman 612-330-1644, or Minneapolis Police 911.

Suspect Descriptions:
Suspect 1: Male, race unknown, gray track suit with hood, white face-mask, yellow gloves, white and black gym shoes

Suspect 2: Male, race unknown, black hooded sweatshirt, white undershirt, baseball cap with white/gray bill, black pants, black and white sneakers, yellow gloves

Suspect 3: Male, race unknown, black hooded jacket, white undershirt, black pants, white/gray shoes, yellow gloves

Augsburg College believes that descriptors alone are not a valid reason to profile or cast suspicion on any individual. They are included here because they may reasonably assist in identifying the perpetrators of this incident.

You Can Help Prevent Crime at Augsburg!

Immediately report any suspicious activity to the Minneapolis Police or Augsburg DPS.

Always lock your individual office door and the suite door whenever you leave, even if you will only be gone briefly. Most home burglaries take only 3 to 5 minutes, office burglaries can take even less time.

If you misplace or do not have a key, please call x1717 and ask us to come and lock the office. Please wait in the office until we arrive.

Do not prop open doors. If you see a door propped open, close the door and report it to DPS by calling 1717.

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Teaching and Learning

Professional Development Grant in Australia

The Australia Government through it's Endeavour Executive Award is sponsoring professional development opportunities for for mid-career professionals in business, industry, EDUCATION or government funded by the Australian Government. Awards are valued at AUD$18,500 to fund professional development opportunities in Australia for 1-4 months.

The deadline for applications is 30 June 2012 for awards taken up in 2013.

The Award enables the recipient to build skills and knowledge in a host work environment through activities such as: management training, peer-to-peer learning, mentoring, and short courses. Applicants must be nominated by an Australian host organization and the professional development activity MUST BE VOCATIONALLY USEFUL and NOT geared toward completion of a degree, academic research or an immediate commercial outcome.

A few examples of a couple follows from other institutions:

Dr. Rachel Moll, Professor in the Master of Educational Leadership program at Vancouver Island University, received an Endeavor Executive Award for her role in technology for education. She will be hosted by the University of Wollongong where she will work on applying new learning strategies with technology integration in science classrooms.

Dr. John-Christopher Boyer, Department of Chemistry, Simon Fraser University, received an Endeavour Research Fellowship Award to pursue Post-Doctoral Research in the fields of Natural and Physical Sciences at Monash University.

The Endeavour Executive Awards are funded by the Australian Government and aim to deepen professional engagements, while building linkages and networks between Australia and participating countries.

For further information, visit

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General Announcements

Focused Conversation CSF Final Report & FY13 Budget

You are invited to a Focused Conversation on the final report of the Commission on Strategic Finance and the FY13 Budget!

Earlier this month, the Board of Regents received the final report of the Commission on Strategic Finance which set the stage for a strategic, disciplined approach toward stewardship of institutional resources in ways that will grow our student body while increasing the quality of net tuition revenue dollars while reforming the ways in which we do our work so as to leverage resources.

Regents also approved the College’s budget for the fiscal year beginning June 1st, 2012. The budget calls for a discipline of growing compensation and operating expenses at a slower rate than the growth of tuition and other revenue. Capital expenditures were budgeted to keep with the second year of projects identified in last year’s Campus Space and Master Plan with an eye toward bridging the needs of the sciences between now and when the Center for Science Business and Religion is built.

Please join Tammy McGee, V.P. of Finance and Administration; Julie Edstrom, V.P. of Enrollment; and Staney Rostad, Controller; for a focused conversation related to the:
• Commission on Strategic Finance Final Report, and,
• FY13 Budget

Next Wednesday, May 30th, at 11:00AM, in Oren Gateway Center, room 100.

The narratives for these two reports are being posted to the College Reports section of Inside Augsburg.

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Live Outdoor Talk Show in Cedar Riverside


Bedlam is having our annual Community Ten Minute Play Festival at Mixed Blood Theatre next week Wed May 30 -Sat June 2nd at 7:30pm and Sat June 2nd and Sun, June 3rd at 3pm. Tickets are $15 in advance at OR FREE on a FIRST COME FIRST SERVED basis each night thanks to Mixed Bloods Radical Hospitality Program.

Please join us at 6:30pm on any of those nights for a live talk show outside Mixed Blood Theater for the hour prior to TenFest. Feel free to bring a poem or song or just yourself and your love of Cedar Riverside.

WHAT: LIVE Cedar RiverSIDE: a neighborhood talk show
WHEN: Every night from 6:30-7:30 - Wednesday May 30-Saturday June 2nd
WHERE: In and around the CHALKBOARD VAN outside the Mixed Blood Theater, 1504 S. 4th Street (Right across from Brian Coyle)
WHO: YOU! Come help host! Interview your friends! Be interviewed! Bring a poem! A skit! A song! Some friends to improvise!

WHY: Bedlam Theatre is having our annual Ten Minute Play Festival at Mixed Blood at 7:30 on those nights and we want our audiences to know who all's in Cedar Riverside!!!!!

Questions? Call/Text John Bueche 612-327-6089 or Maren Ward 612-720-4754
or email

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Event Announcements

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Keeping Track of Auggies

Auggies in Egypt: Jimmy Carter, Tahrir & Elections

Follow Auggies throughout Egypt as they explore Youth Movements and Civil Engagement with Prof. Joe Underhill and Mohamed Sallam.

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Auggie Athletics

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WANTED: Twins Tickets for June 25

Are you trying to sell your tickets for the June 25th evening Twins game against the White Sox? I'm in need of 4 tickets for that game. Contact me if you have tickets available. Thanks!

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Twins Tickets Wednesday Afternoon

I have 6 tickets available for next Wednesday afternoon's Twins game at Target Field. The Twins are taking on the Oakland A's, and the game is at 12:10 pm. The tickets are in Section 130, Row 4, and the seats are all together. You're only 4 rows from the field! I'm asking $20 per ticket. Thanks for looking!

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