Tuesday, May 15, 2012
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Creating an Inclusive Campus– Please Register

Creating an Inclusive Campus Conference
May 22-24

All faculty, staff, and students are invited to participate in the fourth annual conversation to co-create an inclusive campus. Please register, so we can get a sense of how many people will be attending each session. You can register at: http://augsburg.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_2s09aFEvydM0lKs

As our mission states, "The Augsburg experience is supported by an engaged community, committed to intentional diversity in its life and work." What does it mean to be committed to intentional diversity? It means that we recruit a diverse student body and create an inclusive, supportive learning environment that enables them to succeed . It means that we prepare all students to work collaboratively in a diverse, global environment. Finally, it means that we hire diverse faculty and staff, and create an inclusive, supportive work environment that enables them to be meaningfully involved in the work of Augsburg College. This conference allows us to celebrate what we are doing right and engage in dialogue about how we can continue to improve.

The opening session, "Transformative Conversations: The Art of Building Bridges and Civil Spaces," includes a panel of students sharing their experience of transformative dialogue across differences. You will explore concrete skills that can support the authentic connections necessary for creating an inclusive campus community. Applications will include conversations about political and religious issues that often become divisive in an election year.

Other sessions address the needs of adult learners, developing intercultural competence, using the neighborhood as a classroom, embedding global learning in a calculus course, undoing racism, understanding student experiences of racism, making use of our international resources, hiring diverse faculty, supporting LGBTQIA students abroad, reimagining the theater department, and developing intercultural leadership.

The closing session, "Fighting Poverty in Augsburg," is an outgrowth of last fall's Life of the Mind retreat on global poverty and inequity, and efforts to address this issue locally. This session aims to: (1) raise awareness in the college community about the reality of poverty and its consequences for many Augsburg students; (2) provide resources for students, faculty, and staff to address some of the consequences of poverty, such as acquiring textbooks and finding housing options for homeless students; and (3) explore realistic short- and long-term solutions to address the issue of poverty among Augsburg students.

Please join us to help co-create a more inclusive campus.

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Creating an Inclusive Campus Conference Invitation

Creating an Inclusive Campus Conference

May 22-24

All faculty, staff, and students are invited to participate in the fourth annual conversation to co-create an inclusive campus. Please register, so we can get a sense of how many people will be attending each session. You can register at: http://augsburg.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_2s09aFEvydM0lKs

Thank you for your support in making this a successful conference.

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May Teaching and Learning Calendar

May 15-16, Dunrovin Retreat Center – New Faculty Retreat (for first and second year faculty)

May 17, 10 am – 4 pm, OGC 100 – Major/Program Assessment Workshop (at least two representatives for each major/program are expected to attend)

May 18, 9 am – 2 pm, OGC 100 – Instructional and Course Design Grant Kick-Off (for 2012-13 grantees only)*

May 21, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, OGC 201 – AugSem and AVID Strategies Workshop (for all faculty teaching AugSem in 2012-13)

May 22-23, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Hoversten Chapel and OGC Classrooms – Creating an Inclusive Campus Conference* (all faculty and staff are encouraged to attend)

May 24, 9 am – 12 noon, OGC Classrooms – Creating an Inclusive Campus Working Sessions (at least 2 representatives from each department should attend)*

May 24, 1 pm – 4 pm, Lindell 202 – CTP Portfolio Workshop (for faculty involved in CTP reviews)*

May 29-31, Dunrovin Retreat Center – Jessica Nathanson Scholarly Writing Retreat (for all faculty; requires preregistration with CTL)*

* Contact Sarah Hedstrom (hedstrom@augsburg.edu) for additional information about these events.

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Scholarly Writing Retreat - Last Call

The Jessica Nathanson Scholarly Writing Retreat
The third annual Scholarly Writing Retreat will be held at Dunrovin Retreat Center near Marine on St. Croix from 10:00 am on Tuesday, May 29 to 1:00 pm on Thursday, May 31. Initiated by Jessica Nathanson, the retreat gives scholars time and space to work on scholarship, undistracted by meetings, classes, or even children and family responsibilities. Some come to plan an approach to a new project to be completed over the summer; others use it as an opportunity to finish articles they have been working on during the year. Those interested in participating should contact Sarah Hedstrom (hedstrom@augsburg.edu). Registrants are accepted on a first come-first serve basis.

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General Announcements

URGO and McNair Move Offices

The offices of URGO/McNair have moved to Science 152 as of Monday, May 14.

The move includes the offices of:

Lara Crombie: 152C
Andrea Sanow: 152D
Dixie Shafer: 152E
Tina Tavera: 152F
Brian Greening: 152G

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Augsburg Receives NSF S-STEM Grant

Augsburg has received funding through NSF to support AugSTEM Scholarships: Preparing Juniors and Seniors for Careers in STEM. The $599,977 award will allow Augsburg to provide scholarships to full-time academically talented upper-division STEM majors. Additional goals of the four year project include strengthening partnerships with community colleges having strong track records in STEM and supporting and enhancing the readiness of Augsburg STEM students for successful transition to the scientific workplace. Partial support is provided by the National Science Foundation Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM) program under Award Number DUE-1154096.

The proposal preparation was a team effort by both faculty and staff: Ben Stottrup (Principal Investigator), Rebekah Dupont (Co-PI), David Crowe, Jim Erchul, Carol Forbes, Matt Haines, Heather Hultquist, Judy Johnson, Joan Kunz, Noel Petit, Kelsey Richardson-Blackwell, and Paul Terrio.

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Event Announcements

Creating an Inclusive Campus– Please Register

Creating an Inclusive Campus Conference
May 22-24

All faculty, staff, and students are invited to participate in the fourth annual conversation to co-create an inclusive campus. Please register, so we can get a sense of how many people will be attending each session. You can register at: http://augsburg.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_2s09aFEvydM0lKs

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Arlin Gyberg Retirement

After 45 years at Augsburg College, Arlin Gyberg is Retiring!

Please join us in celebrating his achievements and wishing him well in his retirement.

Ice Cream Social
Friday, May 18, 2012
1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Student Art Gallery (Christensen Center 1st Floor)

Program will begin at 2:00 p.m.

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Keeping Track of Auggies

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Auggie Athletics

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