Thursday, May 10, 2012
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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Lois Olson is Retiring

You may have missed this message in the flurry of end of semester notices, so I will post it once more. In case you did not know, LOIS OLSON is retiring at the end of this Academic Year.

As many of you know, there has been no one who has contributed more in the past 25+ years to the execution and deepening of Augsburg’s efforts related to community-based learning, experiential education and career development. Behind the scenes, and always available to us and to our students, Lois has become another of those giants “on whose shoulders we stand”. Making operational and “putting legs” on what others of us dreamed up or brought to campus was her abiding gift to us: Internships, Cooperative Education, the Augsburg Experience, Bonner Fellows, Strommen Center, Career Development, the Lilly and Kemper endeavors, the Sabo Center—the list goes on and on, and it does not begin to do justice to what Lois has meant to us as a colleague and friend.

So, take a moment and let her know just how much she means to you and how much she will be missed. Thanks

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General Announcements

Lunch Open in the Commons Today

Lunch will be served in the Commons Servery today from 11:30AM-1:00PM. The lunch will feature Alfredo Pasta, Carved Roast Beef, Au Gratin Potatoes, and Corn.

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Make Pillowcases for ConKerr Cancer

On Thursday, May 17 from 9 to noon in OGC 111, we will be making pillowcases to brighten the hospital rooms of children and teens in cancer treatment centers in the city. Please join us if you can help cut, iron, or sew; it's just straight lines, so even basic sewing skills would help! We can use fabric if you have some to donate (think kids and teens) but we also need sewing machines, scissors, irons, and ironing boards. If you're interested, contact Jen Nagorski or Wendi Wheeler

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Event Announcements

Staff and Faculty - Spring Social in the Quad

Faculty and Staff are cordially invited to gather together for the annual Spring Social in the Quad! The social is this Monday, May 14th, from 3:00-5:00pm! Please join us for wonderful food and camaraderie!

There will also be a raffle drawing for a free parking pass for the 2012-2013 school year!!!

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Retirement Reception for Arlin Gyberg

After 45 years at Augsburg College, Arlin Gyberg is Retiring!

Please join us in celebrating his achievements and wishing him well in his retirement.

Ice Cream Social
Friday, May 18, 2012
1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Student Art Gallery (Christensen Center 1st Floor)

Program will begin at 2:00 p.m.

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Keeping Track of Auggies

15 Augsburg Students in Thailand this May

The group of 15 Augsburg students participating in the faculty-led study abroad program "Thai Education & Culture" in Thailand this summer has arrived safely.

They will be posting photos of their time abroad on flickr -- follow them here:

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Abroad Scholarships: Paul Hallgren & Bryan Rassat

Congrats to Paul and Bryan for winning scholarships to study abroad this summer:

Paul Hallgren: $750
Creative Writing and Scottish Literature in Scotland

Bryan Rassat: $1000
Mediterranean Myths and Monuments: The Classical World Today in Athens, Rome, and Syracuse, Sicily.

More info on studying abroad and scholarships:

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Auggie Athletics

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Twins Tickets Next Week

I have some extra Twins tickets for two games next week. I have 6 tickets for each game, they are in the Left Field Bleachers, Section 130, Row 4. Only 4 rows from the field! I am asking $20 each. Here are the games I have available:

Monday, May 14 - Cleveland Indians - 7:10 pm

Tuesday, May 15 - Cleveland Indians - 12:10 pm

I also have a single ticket for Saturday night's game against the Blue Jays at 6:10 pm. Please let me know if you're interested.

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Needed: Mac OS Xv10.5

We're trying to find an installation disc for the Leopard operating system (Mac OS X v10.5). If you have one, or know where to find one, please let me know at Thanks!

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